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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» It's not me, it's the drugs talking
I don't do drugs.
I've seen my friends do it a fair bit, and frankly, I'm a bit put off. There should be a certain romance in putting your cock in another man's ear that just can't be achived while stoned off your face in a room full of people. I want my first time to mean something. *sigh*
(Thu 15th Dec 2005, 15:28, More)
I don't do drugs.
I've seen my friends do it a fair bit, and frankly, I'm a bit put off. There should be a certain romance in putting your cock in another man's ear that just can't be achived while stoned off your face in a room full of people. I want my first time to mean something. *sigh*
(Thu 15th Dec 2005, 15:28, More)
» That's when I knew it was over...
You know its over when
she cringes to your touch.
(Thu 21st Jul 2005, 23:18, More)
You know its over when
she cringes to your touch.
(Thu 21st Jul 2005, 23:18, More)
» Crappy Prizes
Lottery syndicate...
I'm in a moderately sized lottery syndicate at work, so every now and then I go in and look in my tray to find 50p sellotaped to a bit of paper with the word 'lottery' scrawled on it. Woo!
(Thu 4th Aug 2005, 13:37, More)
Lottery syndicate...
I'm in a moderately sized lottery syndicate at work, so every now and then I go in and look in my tray to find 50p sellotaped to a bit of paper with the word 'lottery' scrawled on it. Woo!
(Thu 4th Aug 2005, 13:37, More)
» Political Correctness Gone Mad
At my dad's work place they got a new shipment of something or other. It was quite poorly packed in one way or another and as a result causing the people working with it some grief.
"Bloody packing" utters one fellow struggling with the stuff. Just so happens one of the management-types was showing round someone of some importance who happens to be of Asian heritage, and she overhears. Only she didn't hear "packing", she heard "Paki". The man was out of a job within a couple of hours. No interview, no disciplinary, no opportunity whatsoever to plead his case. He was just gone.
(Thu 22nd Nov 2007, 20:00, More)
At my dad's work place they got a new shipment of something or other. It was quite poorly packed in one way or another and as a result causing the people working with it some grief.
"Bloody packing" utters one fellow struggling with the stuff. Just so happens one of the management-types was showing round someone of some importance who happens to be of Asian heritage, and she overhears. Only she didn't hear "packing", she heard "Paki". The man was out of a job within a couple of hours. No interview, no disciplinary, no opportunity whatsoever to plead his case. He was just gone.
(Thu 22nd Nov 2007, 20:00, More)
» Fancy Dress
Halloween 2003.
Friend's dress, hair straighteners, and no they are not real.
Notable quotes from the evening:
-"Matt, you look better in my clothes than I do." (she hasn't worn the dress since.)
- (from a male, after I first turned to face him)"Dammit, I was about to hit on you!"
It was strangely liberating actually...
(Fri 13th Jan 2006, 11:43, More)
Halloween 2003.
Friend's dress, hair straighteners, and no they are not real.
Notable quotes from the evening:
-"Matt, you look better in my clothes than I do." (she hasn't worn the dress since.)
- (from a male, after I first turned to face him)"Dammit, I was about to hit on you!"
It was strangely liberating actually...
(Fri 13th Jan 2006, 11:43, More)