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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Join us... come join the cult
during year 7
i got indoctrinated into the cult of pokemon, with the games and cards claiming my soul. i manged to rebel against my oppressors and escape the control.
today some mates (most 17/18) started playing the gameboy game again. WILL WE EVER BE FREE???
(Thu 26th Jan 2006, 20:19, More)
during year 7
i got indoctrinated into the cult of pokemon, with the games and cards claiming my soul. i manged to rebel against my oppressors and escape the control.
today some mates (most 17/18) started playing the gameboy game again. WILL WE EVER BE FREE???
(Thu 26th Jan 2006, 20:19, More)
» Urban Legends
My friend once got conviced...
that another friend was part elvish. and could teleport anywhere he wanted.
(Fri 6th Jan 2006, 21:31, More)
My friend once got conviced...
that another friend was part elvish. and could teleport anywhere he wanted.
(Fri 6th Jan 2006, 21:31, More)
» Birthdays
not at home
for my 16th birthday, i was in new york with family. it was great. i went up the empire state building and generally did touristy things.
for my 17th, i was shivering in a tent in buxton. my birthday is in february, so needless to say the tent froze solid. grrr...
(Sun 11th Dec 2005, 20:39, More)
not at home
for my 16th birthday, i was in new york with family. it was great. i went up the empire state building and generally did touristy things.
for my 17th, i was shivering in a tent in buxton. my birthday is in february, so needless to say the tent froze solid. grrr...
(Sun 11th Dec 2005, 20:39, More)
» On the stage
I'm a vague actor type (im going to do theatre studies at uni next year... mwhaha no work!), and i got roped into doing a drama revue thing in september. i had five mates who wanted to do it as well, so we eagerly set to work making up a fantastic piece of drama to inspire and bedazzle. the revue was is novemember, we had lots of time.
unfortuantly we didnt do anything. at all.
it got to the day of the performance. we still had nothing. we begged the organisers to withdraw us, as we had nothing. they didnt believe us.
so we did the only thing we could do. we put on silly hats and made it up on the night.
and it worked! the audience loved us! it was the euphroia of being drunk but without the vomit.
(Sat 3rd Dec 2005, 20:51, More)
I'm a vague actor type (im going to do theatre studies at uni next year... mwhaha no work!), and i got roped into doing a drama revue thing in september. i had five mates who wanted to do it as well, so we eagerly set to work making up a fantastic piece of drama to inspire and bedazzle. the revue was is novemember, we had lots of time.
unfortuantly we didnt do anything. at all.
it got to the day of the performance. we still had nothing. we begged the organisers to withdraw us, as we had nothing. they didnt believe us.
so we did the only thing we could do. we put on silly hats and made it up on the night.
and it worked! the audience loved us! it was the euphroia of being drunk but without the vomit.
(Sat 3rd Dec 2005, 20:51, More)
» Hidden Treasure
went to v fest last year with a few mates (nowhere near as good as glastonbury, but then what is?). woke up on the monday morning, and the tents of the last night have swiftly vanished. not 6 feet from our tents was a KEG of stella, plus assorted unopened cans of otehr beers. some muppet had left it all sitting in the middle of the field. it wasnt exactly hidden, but it was free.
unfortuantly, we were all hungover and the last thing we wanted to see was beer. so we poured it away. all 8 litres of it. it haunts me still...
oh and i found £20 on a bus home once
1st post!huzzah!
(Sun 3rd Jul 2005, 20:53, More)
went to v fest last year with a few mates (nowhere near as good as glastonbury, but then what is?). woke up on the monday morning, and the tents of the last night have swiftly vanished. not 6 feet from our tents was a KEG of stella, plus assorted unopened cans of otehr beers. some muppet had left it all sitting in the middle of the field. it wasnt exactly hidden, but it was free.
unfortuantly, we were all hungover and the last thing we wanted to see was beer. so we poured it away. all 8 litres of it. it haunts me still...
oh and i found £20 on a bus home once
1st post!huzzah!
(Sun 3rd Jul 2005, 20:53, More)