b3ta.com user bite down - its going in dry
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Profile for bite down - its going in dry:
Profile Info:

I'm just an Angry bastard - rated at about a 8.75/10 pyschotic by Her Majesties doctors

served in 2 gulf wars and have an excellent one shot hit to kill ratio.
Also lots of pics of war - need a strong stomach for some of them.

My Sargeant Major quoted in the first Gulf war that I should be locked in a box with a label on it "Open only in the event of war". Cool.

Have my own business writing bespoke software in assembly language, C++, C, Pascal, Cobalt blah blah blah.
Setting up business networks - all the fucking boring stuff.

Have worked on ATM software for Barclays bank.

Wrote a Krypton tuning package for P&O ferries before Windows even existed.

Wrote the worlds first assembler for the ZX81 and Amstrad computers - 8 bit. etc etc etc - do you know what 8 bit is - if not just go, just go now.

Other stuff includes blah blah blah - none of your fuckin business - you probably wouldn't know what I was talkin about anyway.

Have a phD in applied computer science.

Masters in ICT - you can just call me sir.

Hobbies - twating young kids (under 21) who think it was their generation that invented the internet - take the cock out of ya mouth and step away from the dildo - you fucking mong.

Nicest thing thats happened to me - some young kid thought he would teach me how to use the computer. I understand he will be well again real soon.

Favourite saying - "Right Banks you bastard, i'm the daddy now - next time, i'll fuckin kill ya" - scum.

I have 2 daughters who are also psychotic - chip off the old block - gorgeous but deadly - avoid like the plauge.

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