b3ta.com user loochery
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» It was a great holiday, but...

Oh dear
- On a trip to the south of France with college, being driven around windy cliff-top roads by a mad priest. Who didn't look where he was going. With my teacher mouthing 'HELP!' at me. Same trip, hotel alarm was triggered (which alerted the police station) by my classmate trying to light his cigar by putting some tinfoil in the microwave. 5 times.

- A rabid* cat somehow getting into our tent in the middle of the night, with my dad running about stark naked chasing it with a broom. My brother screamed so loud that the Germans on the other side of the camp could hear him.

- Camping once again, it rained so hard that the campsite steps were washed away. Laaahvely.

- Camping in leeds whilst my parents saw Phil Collins (!)I broke my arm. Thanks. Same holiday, lost my brother down a ditch.

Happy Days.

*may or may not be true...
(Fri 22nd Apr 2005, 21:08, More)

» Worst Nicknames Ever

Sucy Dinks
...In grown up language, 'Lucy (my name)Stinks'

I was subjected to this for many years from my younger cousin/evil brother after sliding down a slide said cousin had pissed all over.

I should have known when he warned me, but of course, I knew better...
(Thu 18th May 2006, 20:20, More)

» Guilty Pleasures

'How Clean Is Your House?'
When I'm alone and sat in front of the T.V, I often wipe my finger along the top of the screen to see how much dust there is.

I used to do this in other people's houses, but I now restrain myself.
(Thu 7th Apr 2005, 17:47, More)