b3ta.com user bearflea
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» Body Mods

Blood in the water
After getting my PA done I decided to go to the pub to celebrate. Should have thought that one through...
Anyway, three pints of Stella later the urge to wee becomes irresistible.
Christ knows what the other drinkers in the pub thought was going on when the shouts of pain started. I also wonder what the next user of the cottage thought about the bright red, bloody water in the bog. (It wouldn't flush!)
(Mon 4th Dec 2006, 4:20, More)

» Little things that turn you on

*shrug* they just do. Almost any type (and also moustaches). I'll do anything for a bloke with a portion of face furniture.

... Though mutton chops are RIGHT OUT! Good god NO!
(Mon 21st Feb 2005, 14:00, More)

» Childhood bad taste

Toto Coelo...
... I eat cannibals. First record I ever bought myself.

I remember the searing look of contempt from the shop owner.
Gaudy lasses they were, and where DID they get those pink/blue/yellow bin bags they wore, I have spent years searching with no success.

The *real* shame? - Finding the record in the attic a few months ago and being really disappointed that the sleeve contained a copy of 'Me & You & a Dog Named Boo'. Aiiieeee!

(I also had a huge crush on Trevor Eve in Shoestring. I think it may have been the dodgy moustache. Had I been old enough I would probably have beat off watching it.)
I'll go now...
(Tue 14th Dec 2004, 12:20, More)