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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Mugged
Is it a bird?....
Not technically a mugging, but just to tell the story, ill pretend they stole a shoe from him.
The Xmas before last, my mate is out have a good time in one of the wonderful dancing establishments in Canterbury. In the early hours, he starts to stumble home, going via the kebab van on the way home. At said van, there is some sort of kerfuffle between him and three chaps waiting behind him, and they promptly beat him up. The police get called, and he gives his statement. When the police ask him for a description of the three assailants, he replies:
Well, one was superman, one was batman, and one was spiderman. He even made it onto the BBC website:
(Fri 16th Jun 2006, 10:21, More)
Is it a bird?....
Not technically a mugging, but just to tell the story, ill pretend they stole a shoe from him.
The Xmas before last, my mate is out have a good time in one of the wonderful dancing establishments in Canterbury. In the early hours, he starts to stumble home, going via the kebab van on the way home. At said van, there is some sort of kerfuffle between him and three chaps waiting behind him, and they promptly beat him up. The police get called, and he gives his statement. When the police ask him for a description of the three assailants, he replies:
Well, one was superman, one was batman, and one was spiderman. He even made it onto the BBC website:
(Fri 16th Jun 2006, 10:21, More)
» The most childish thing you've done as an adult
Sucker shooty guns
Every Xmas, without fail, my mum buys four of the plastic mini guns that shoot little orange sucker darts. One for me (age 28), my brother (27), my sister (21) and my grandad, who is 93. We spend all Xmas morning hiding round the house shooting each other (including grandad), and then all Xmas afternoon shooting my grandad when he nods off on the sofa.
(Sat 19th Sep 2009, 22:04, More)
Sucker shooty guns
Every Xmas, without fail, my mum buys four of the plastic mini guns that shoot little orange sucker darts. One for me (age 28), my brother (27), my sister (21) and my grandad, who is 93. We spend all Xmas morning hiding round the house shooting each other (including grandad), and then all Xmas afternoon shooting my grandad when he nods off on the sofa.
(Sat 19th Sep 2009, 22:04, More)
» I hurt my rude bits
Jezza on BRMB radio
Jezza (Now Jeremy Kyle), hosted a show on BRMB radio in Birmingham, where all the freaks would phone up with life problems. (Much worse than on his TV show). One such odd chappy phoned up to get some advice immediately after what sounded like an horrific, but hilarious accident.
After having a shower, he dons a dressing gown and comes out of the bathroom. Starts playing with his (or his son's) Scalextric. As he squats over the track, his testicles dangle onto the live rail, and combined with his still-wet-from-shower condition, frys the shit out of his bollocks. From what I can remember, he phoned minutes after doing it, and reported back all evening on the worsening condition, with other fellow Brummies offering advice.
(Fri 14th Jul 2006, 10:17, More)
Jezza on BRMB radio
Jezza (Now Jeremy Kyle), hosted a show on BRMB radio in Birmingham, where all the freaks would phone up with life problems. (Much worse than on his TV show). One such odd chappy phoned up to get some advice immediately after what sounded like an horrific, but hilarious accident.
After having a shower, he dons a dressing gown and comes out of the bathroom. Starts playing with his (or his son's) Scalextric. As he squats over the track, his testicles dangle onto the live rail, and combined with his still-wet-from-shower condition, frys the shit out of his bollocks. From what I can remember, he phoned minutes after doing it, and reported back all evening on the worsening condition, with other fellow Brummies offering advice.
(Fri 14th Jul 2006, 10:17, More)
» School Sports Day
10 step
Anyone remeber doing 10 step at Primary School. It was like a under 11s Decathlon, where you get points depending on how well you did in things like standing long jump and hundles etc.
Anyway, I digress. One such event was cricket ball throw. After completing my throws, I went to help the teacher measure and return the ball. For a reason I cant remember (Im sure I had a reason when I did it), I decided to catch the gimpy kid's best-throw-by-miles. I gave a little cheer as I was chuffed to catch it, but got a bollocking off the teacher, and everyone moaned at me for ruining that kid's best throw. No one played with me that lunchtime....
(Mon 3rd Apr 2006, 10:06, More)
10 step
Anyone remeber doing 10 step at Primary School. It was like a under 11s Decathlon, where you get points depending on how well you did in things like standing long jump and hundles etc.
Anyway, I digress. One such event was cricket ball throw. After completing my throws, I went to help the teacher measure and return the ball. For a reason I cant remember (Im sure I had a reason when I did it), I decided to catch the gimpy kid's best-throw-by-miles. I gave a little cheer as I was chuffed to catch it, but got a bollocking off the teacher, and everyone moaned at me for ruining that kid's best throw. No one played with me that lunchtime....
(Mon 3rd Apr 2006, 10:06, More)
» That's me on TV!
This is the newwwwwwwwws
At primary school we won a local school play competition - the Police came a made a 'professional' film of it.
Anyway, Meridian news (or whatever they were called in 1991) came to film us in class and interview some of us (not me!). The piece would end with us all running out of class past a camera and waving - that was going to be my moment. Unfortunately, I went out of the wrong door of the classroom, and was the only person in the class NOT to be on the telly.
(Fri 12th Jun 2009, 16:18, More)
This is the newwwwwwwwws
At primary school we won a local school play competition - the Police came a made a 'professional' film of it.
Anyway, Meridian news (or whatever they were called in 1991) came to film us in class and interview some of us (not me!). The piece would end with us all running out of class past a camera and waving - that was going to be my moment. Unfortunately, I went out of the wrong door of the classroom, and was the only person in the class NOT to be on the telly.
(Fri 12th Jun 2009, 16:18, More)