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i'm just an american girl wishing i didn't live in the land of the idiotic president
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i'm just an american girl wishing i didn't live in the land of the idiotic president
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» Advice from Old People
My grandma
My grandmother (or nanny as we call her) is an amazing grandmother, except that she is they typical crochety old lady almost always, and every month she seems to be more miserable than the last time.
Now cut to my bridal shower: my mom gives out "advice" cards so that all the women at the shower can give me and my future husband advice on how to enjoy married life.
My grandmother wrote this:
Don't do it! It last's a long time...TOO long! GO on a cruise instead!
Love, Nanny
I love my grandmother but I never expected such a thing from her especially since I am the claimed "favorite" grandchild and my husband to be is her favorite "in-law" to love old people!
(Fri 20th Jun 2008, 17:06, More)
My grandma
My grandmother (or nanny as we call her) is an amazing grandmother, except that she is they typical crochety old lady almost always, and every month she seems to be more miserable than the last time.
Now cut to my bridal shower: my mom gives out "advice" cards so that all the women at the shower can give me and my future husband advice on how to enjoy married life.
My grandmother wrote this:
Don't do it! It last's a long time...TOO long! GO on a cruise instead!
Love, Nanny
I love my grandmother but I never expected such a thing from her especially since I am the claimed "favorite" grandchild and my husband to be is her favorite "in-law" to love old people!
(Fri 20th Jun 2008, 17:06, More)
» Too much information
Graduate School
While in my very first graduate course, there was a woman, who tended to interject inappropriate and useless comments and stories throught out the 12 times we met for class. Well, one day, we were talking about emergencies, and how sometimes life gets in the way of class, when out of nowhere she blurts, for the whole classroom to hear: "Well no one has it worse than me, I have vaginal cysts that need to be removed next week, so I won't be in class." Every person in the room, professor and myself included, went silent, and throughout the room you could hear people throwing up a little bit in their mouths.
(Tue 11th Sep 2007, 13:47, More)
Graduate School
While in my very first graduate course, there was a woman, who tended to interject inappropriate and useless comments and stories throught out the 12 times we met for class. Well, one day, we were talking about emergencies, and how sometimes life gets in the way of class, when out of nowhere she blurts, for the whole classroom to hear: "Well no one has it worse than me, I have vaginal cysts that need to be removed next week, so I won't be in class." Every person in the room, professor and myself included, went silent, and throughout the room you could hear people throwing up a little bit in their mouths.
(Tue 11th Sep 2007, 13:47, More)
» The last thing that made me cry
the last time i cried was..
when my mother told me that she wouldn't be coming to my college string orchestra concert because she had better things to do...quite depressing
(Wed 20th Apr 2005, 21:28, More)
the last time i cried was..
when my mother told me that she wouldn't be coming to my college string orchestra concert because she had better things to do...quite depressing
(Wed 20th Apr 2005, 21:28, More)