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- a member for 19 years, 9 months and 24 days
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- has posted 53 stories and 4 replies on question of the week
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» The Police
Driving back from Cornwall,
pulled into Petrol station to fill up, my mate spilt petrol on his hand, washed it off (well thought he got it all off)left there pulled smack bang into a traffic jam, I lit a ciggarette and his hand went up in flames, nowhere to go he sticks his hand out the window and starts waving it about, behind us was a copper, he jumps out of his car and arrest's my mate, possession of a firearm!!!!
(Thu 22nd Sep 2005, 10:39, More)
Driving back from Cornwall,
pulled into Petrol station to fill up, my mate spilt petrol on his hand, washed it off (well thought he got it all off)left there pulled smack bang into a traffic jam, I lit a ciggarette and his hand went up in flames, nowhere to go he sticks his hand out the window and starts waving it about, behind us was a copper, he jumps out of his car and arrest's my mate, possession of a firearm!!!!
(Thu 22nd Sep 2005, 10:39, More)
» Putting the Fun in Funeral
Went to my
Grandad's funeral and this lady came up to me and said " i did'nt know the man but i know he was a good person if you don't mind how did he die?" To which I replied "The big C" the lady came back with "drowning must have been a terrible death" I made my excuses and left.....
(Fri 12th May 2006, 16:22, More)
Went to my
Grandad's funeral and this lady came up to me and said " i did'nt know the man but i know he was a good person if you don't mind how did he die?" To which I replied "The big C" the lady came back with "drowning must have been a terrible death" I made my excuses and left.....
(Fri 12th May 2006, 16:22, More)
» Road Trip
On the way back from Cornwall we pulled into a petrol station to fill up, my mate spilt petrol on his hand then after filling up went and washed it off (well thought he got it all off) We then left the petrol station and pulled smack bang into a traffic jam. I lit a cigarette and his hand went up in flames pretty much straight away, nowhere to go he sticks his hand out the window and starts waving it about, behind us was a policeman, he jumps out of his car and arrest's my mate straight away, possession of a firearm....
(Tue 19th Jul 2011, 16:51, More)
On the way back from Cornwall we pulled into a petrol station to fill up, my mate spilt petrol on his hand then after filling up went and washed it off (well thought he got it all off) We then left the petrol station and pulled smack bang into a traffic jam. I lit a cigarette and his hand went up in flames pretty much straight away, nowhere to go he sticks his hand out the window and starts waving it about, behind us was a policeman, he jumps out of his car and arrest's my mate straight away, possession of a firearm....
(Tue 19th Jul 2011, 16:51, More)
» Missing body parts
I lost my
foot, did'nt know how i would cope but the difference is staggering!
(Fri 2nd Jun 2006, 8:55, More)
I lost my
foot, did'nt know how i would cope but the difference is staggering!
(Fri 2nd Jun 2006, 8:55, More)