b3ta.com user The Kinkster Returns
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» The last thing that made me cry

Sorry! Wrong Hole
I cried last night whilst having sex. The guy i was with 'accidently' put it in the wrong hole.As ive never done it up the mud pipe before this both surprised and hurt me.

How can you put it in the wrong hole? I've never really understood that.

First post, it didn't hurt as much as i thought.
(Wed 20th Apr 2005, 15:25, More)

» My first love

Pass the Parcel Hell
His name was Kelvin, he 5 or 6 years old. He had invited me to his birthday party. I put on my pretty little flowery suit for this special occasion.

Great fun was being had by all, until we sat down to play pass the parcel. I was handed the parcel, the music stopped so it was my time to leave the circle. As I stood up to do so, i stood on my skirt which i pulled down to my ankles. There i was, all of 5 years old standing in front of the boy i 'loved' with my bright pink Barbie pants on display.

I acted so mature about it. I ran and hid behind the door crying and refused to move until my mum came to get me. Needless to say, romance didn't blossom.
(Thu 27th Oct 2005, 9:44, More)

» Teenage Poetry

Poem of Poo
I wrote this in work one day when i was too drunk to do anything else. I was 19, so still counts as a daft teenager. Enjoy.


Nothin to do, oh im smellin of poo.
Got the same clothes on from last nite,
Oh god i am smellin of shite.
Nearly got lifted by a bobby,
I reek like a big giant jobby.
You should see me, im one hot burd.
Steamin away like a new fresh turd.
Im an alcy, well if the shoe fits
better watch, i'll start gettin the shits.
For my life I do fear,
It's out of control, this diarrhea(r).
I have to go, Im too drunk,
Just farted, i smell like a skunk.
(Fri 12th Aug 2005, 10:56, More)