b3ta.com user bonester
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Profile for bonester:
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the sarcastic cowboy from Pontefract

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Best answers to questions:

» Urban Legends

How PC is this
I always used to fall for the 'I bet you can't lick your shoulder and pat the back of your hand at the same time'. What a goob. Still, have fun passing this down (only behind closed doors tho'..
(Thu 5th Jan 2006, 17:16, More)

» And that's the thanks I got

Once upon a time...
I was helping a 'friend' (who will remain anonymous) move house which consisted of driving the van with all of his (or her) stuff and then lugging it up a very steep set of stairs.

Once finished there were several pieces of crap that he no longer wanted and he offered me first refusal. The first was an old bike, which had been given to him by another mutual friend about a year ago.

So I thought, OK, I will take this bike off your hands, to stop you having to store it in your nice new flat. But no, the shit wanted £5 for it, and I paid it. Should've known then just how much of a tight arse he was. Still, look on the bright side, I got a brand new bike for nothi...oh!
(Thu 24th May 2007, 10:42, More)

» Other people's diaries

Never again
will I read a gf's diary, although it's compelling stuff and you can't put it down even tho' you are reading about a bloke she likes who has a makka nob..

death would be less painful and less full of makka nobs (hopefully)
(Tue 6th Feb 2007, 17:24, More)

» Stupid Tourists

American Tourists are daft because
A couple of american friends were talking about Pontefract Castle when one of them enquired why they built it away from the main road.

Boomshanka, first post, no length or girth...sob
(Fri 8th Jul 2005, 11:56, More)