Profile for rob_187:
I am Rob. And I rather like I can't draw but I can tell amusing stories, so I DO belong here.
And I'm a student, but I guess you realise that.
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I am Rob. And I rather like I can't draw but I can tell amusing stories, so I DO belong here.
And I'm a student, but I guess you realise that.
Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Best Graffiti Ever
Oh, and...
In my GCSEs I added a small tombstone to the desk I was failing Geography at. It read "RIP Self-Respect".
I was emo before we'd even heard of emo, my friends (this is about six years ago).
Still no apologies.
(Sun 6th May 2007, 17:37, More)
Oh, and...
In my GCSEs I added a small tombstone to the desk I was failing Geography at. It read "RIP Self-Respect".
I was emo before we'd even heard of emo, my friends (this is about six years ago).
Still no apologies.
(Sun 6th May 2007, 17:37, More)
» Jobsworths
the fun of being people's only source of tobacco
StrangeKristine - I'm glad you have as much fun on the Morrison's kiosk as I do.
Although not technically jobsworthy, it really creeps customers out if you give them the correct level of customer service mentioned in the training, viz:
Me: Good afternoon! How may I help you?
Dim Customer: uh... yeah... halfounce of golden virginia?
Me: Certainly! Would you like any Rizlas or filters?
DC: uh... no.
Me: OK then! (beep beep beep) That's two fifty-seven please!
DC: (hands over cash)
Me: Thank you, that's five... OK, that's two fifty seven, sixty, eighty, three, four, five your change, and your receipt. Is there anything else I can do for you today?
DC: (seriously creeped out at how cheerful I am) uh.. no.
Me: OK then, have a pleasant afternoon. Thank you for shopping at Morrisons!
I'm not sure how I stay cheery. You might not want to ask though.
No apologies. Bite me.
- rob_187
(Tue 17th May 2005, 20:42, More)
the fun of being people's only source of tobacco
StrangeKristine - I'm glad you have as much fun on the Morrison's kiosk as I do.
Although not technically jobsworthy, it really creeps customers out if you give them the correct level of customer service mentioned in the training, viz:
Me: Good afternoon! How may I help you?
Dim Customer: uh... yeah... halfounce of golden virginia?
Me: Certainly! Would you like any Rizlas or filters?
DC: uh... no.
Me: OK then! (beep beep beep) That's two fifty-seven please!
DC: (hands over cash)
Me: Thank you, that's five... OK, that's two fifty seven, sixty, eighty, three, four, five your change, and your receipt. Is there anything else I can do for you today?
DC: (seriously creeped out at how cheerful I am) uh.. no.
Me: OK then, have a pleasant afternoon. Thank you for shopping at Morrisons!
I'm not sure how I stay cheery. You might not want to ask though.
No apologies. Bite me.
- rob_187
(Tue 17th May 2005, 20:42, More)
» How I Skive Off Work
beep-beepity-beep-beep, look at shelves with worried look
this is the way to keep yourself looking busy while doing nothing useful while working on a cigarette kiosk at morrisons.
our assistant manager seems to have the opinion of front end staff that if we're standing still, we're not working and are fair game for being stolen and made to face up stock.
so you press buttons on the tills while looking slightly worried (a favourite is looking for barcodes that start with my phone number), or print off reports from the lottery machine and scrutinise them closely, marking the lines off with a pen.
another good one is having a damn good look at every single label on the shelves. this makes it look like you really give a toss about your job, whereas you are in fact fantasising about a job that doesn't resemble hell so closely.
gargh. I hear sainsburys are hiring.
/EDIT StrangeKristine - I'm a BOY. Called ROB. whatever made you think I was a girl?
(Wed 27th Apr 2005, 22:21, More)
beep-beepity-beep-beep, look at shelves with worried look
this is the way to keep yourself looking busy while doing nothing useful while working on a cigarette kiosk at morrisons.
our assistant manager seems to have the opinion of front end staff that if we're standing still, we're not working and are fair game for being stolen and made to face up stock.
so you press buttons on the tills while looking slightly worried (a favourite is looking for barcodes that start with my phone number), or print off reports from the lottery machine and scrutinise them closely, marking the lines off with a pen.
another good one is having a damn good look at every single label on the shelves. this makes it look like you really give a toss about your job, whereas you are in fact fantasising about a job that doesn't resemble hell so closely.
gargh. I hear sainsburys are hiring.
/EDIT StrangeKristine - I'm a BOY. Called ROB. whatever made you think I was a girl?
(Wed 27th Apr 2005, 22:21, More)
» Hidden Treasure
When I
moved into halls in 2003 (Bath Uni, coincedentally), I found something rather less than a treasure in the plughole of my shower.
yes, the previous occupant had long curly black hair that meant I nearly flooded the room about five times before I worked out what was going on. removing it nearly made me vomit.
not exactly a treasure, but... er... umm... bite me.
(Sun 3rd Jul 2005, 12:32, More)
When I
moved into halls in 2003 (Bath Uni, coincedentally), I found something rather less than a treasure in the plughole of my shower.
yes, the previous occupant had long curly black hair that meant I nearly flooded the room about five times before I worked out what was going on. removing it nearly made me vomit.
not exactly a treasure, but... er... umm... bite me.
(Sun 3rd Jul 2005, 12:32, More)
» Best Graffiti Ever
Bombs away
Here at the marvellous University of Bath, for a good long while one of the cubicles in the toilets of the library on the ground floor read:
"Not to put you off, but three other people are dropping a shit on your head right now."
Came back from my year abroad and the mean sods had painted. We also had the ridiculous rivalry between degree programmes, naming and shaming of who on campus had crabs, and occasional notes in other languages. All gone.
No apologies, ever.
(Sun 6th May 2007, 15:44, More)
Bombs away
Here at the marvellous University of Bath, for a good long while one of the cubicles in the toilets of the library on the ground floor read:
"Not to put you off, but three other people are dropping a shit on your head right now."
Came back from my year abroad and the mean sods had painted. We also had the ridiculous rivalry between degree programmes, naming and shaming of who on campus had crabs, and occasional notes in other languages. All gone.
No apologies, ever.
(Sun 6th May 2007, 15:44, More)