b3ta.com user niakis
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Profile for niakis:
Profile Info:

I'm a university student in Canada, studying god knows what. It's like some slurry of sociology, economics, and biology.

I'm kind of irish looking (but in no way irish *thank the lord*)... jk, whoever you are, wherever you're from, it's all good. And I don't look irish... just in case you were wondering, my blood line is all highlander.

e-mail: [email protected] is what I'll respond to.

colton (^_^)

Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» Posh

I belong to a family of Oil Mogols in Canada. I grew up with a bedroom bigger than most people's entire houses. I speak proper english and I've known more CEOs that I'd rather not have. I grew up in the middle of the forest in Alberta and woke up with deer and moose and bears in my backyard. Posh? no. Malcontent? A little.

It's all relative I suppose. I've met some gross idiots with more money than they know what to do with and I've met some classy people living off the dole, so who's to say.
(Fri 16th Sep 2005, 4:52, More)