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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Petty Sabotage
A couple of
Years back me and a few chums had been a marathon weekend session ending up in our quiet local on a Sunday afternoon. After a few pints one chap foolishly ended up asleep in a chair by the fire. We carefully removed both shoes then tipped the dregs of our pints all over the crutch area, we then hastily retreated outside to watch in glee as the landlord woke him 30 mins later and he had to explain why he had soiled himself. We also followed him the full 2 miles back to his house watching the locals chuckle at the "urine" soaked, shoeless drunk!
Funny??........Oh yes!
(Mon 9th May 2005, 12:40, More)
A couple of
Years back me and a few chums had been a marathon weekend session ending up in our quiet local on a Sunday afternoon. After a few pints one chap foolishly ended up asleep in a chair by the fire. We carefully removed both shoes then tipped the dregs of our pints all over the crutch area, we then hastily retreated outside to watch in glee as the landlord woke him 30 mins later and he had to explain why he had soiled himself. We also followed him the full 2 miles back to his house watching the locals chuckle at the "urine" soaked, shoeless drunk!
Funny??........Oh yes!
(Mon 9th May 2005, 12:40, More)