b3ta.com user chr1ssy6798
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» Now, there was no need for that...

summer holiday
when i was about 11 i went on a family holiday to st lucia,halfway through the 2nd week some cunning individual had hidden pieces of cactus in the sand at the beach. cue me standing on one, after much hopping around and tears i tried to pull the spikes out. I got some out but was getting frustrated, so cleverly decided going to see the nurse at the resort was a good idea.
As soon as the 'nurse' saw my foot she immediately rubbed her hand up and down it, there definately was no need for that, instead of getting spikes out she'd managed to dig them into my foot. next she decided to attempt removing one, she did manage it, but in doing so had pushed one right in with her thumb. After that i promptly left, seeking no more medical help! took me weeks to get all the spikes out of my foot!
(Thu 16th Jun 2005, 17:02, More)

» When animals attack...

thought of another
i'v got a cat with a strange problem, she's mad about licking people. if you stroke her but don't let her lick you she attacks you, scratching and biting your arm. It's really bad when friends who don't know her problem come round, they think she's evil!
she's got a problem but i love her
(Thu 2nd Jun 2005, 21:26, More)

» When animals attack...

birds hate me!
1st incident, went to look around a country house with my gran,was only 6 at the time. boring, until we saw some pretty peacocks waving thier tails about, i decided i wanted to be thier friend. So i proceeded to walk towards one with my hand out, until it started runnin towards me screeching, terrifying!

2nd incident, went on a family canoeing trip when i was 11, we were going down a river, enjoying beautiful scenery, until we passed a swan circling its nest, with its wings in a strange arched shape. Now we passed it on the other side of the river, so i thought we showed no threat, until i heard a thud thud thud as the swan started to chase us, its wings hitting the water slightly. It was very hard to get away in a four person boat when everyones panicking sycronised paddling's very hard! It chased us for ages, everytime it got close my dad tried to hit it with his oar, i can't go near swans even now. they are evil!
(Thu 2nd Jun 2005, 21:21, More)