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» What's the hardest you've tried to get dumped?

Dumpee and Dumperer
This is my first foray into QOTW territory so here goes...(sorry for the length in advance)...


Was with an ex g/f for about seven years in total, on and off. During the last part of our relationship, which was after a month long "break" we'd had while she was at uni, things seemed to be going well and we'd got a place together.

I should have known there was a problem, as during the "break" we'd had I'd discovered that she'd slept with some random guy from uni.

About a year into the final chapter and the hints (as I recognise them only now, a few years on) began. She would spend a lot of time out with her friends from work who i'd never met. I came home from work one evening to find her sat in the garden with a half empty bottle of wine, waiting for a taxi to pick her up (as she was off out again) crying her eyes out. No sooner had I got home and asked what was wrong, the taxi arrived and she went. Bizarre, I thought.

I'd been getting pretty paranoid for a while about her strange behaviour and had taken it upon myself to hack into her email which really didn't reveal much initially, until one day a receipt for a hotel arrived in her inbox.

It was for a date when I'd been working a 12 hour night shift. Hmmm. How can I confront her about it without her knowing I'd been snooping on her.

Turns out it didn't matter as about a week later, I got home at about 6pm and found her in bed (on her own). When I walked into the room she uttered the fateful words "we need to talk". I'd kind of guessed. Cue a few of hours of undignified crying (on my part mostly) and pleading (completely on my part) before I grew a pair, said "fuck this biatch" jumped in my car and headed off on the 50 mile journey back to my mum and dads, where i'd stay for a while.

Anyway, we had to wait out the months notice on our rented house, and carried on living together during this time. The good point of this was that we had become intermitant fuck-buddies :)

Anyway, later it turned out that she'd been seeing some copper she'd met through work for a couple of months and had left me for him. My only concellation was that I knew I'd been knobbing his girlfriend while he thought they were "together" woo! So the treacherous whore had been cheating on me with him, and then after dumping me to be with him, was cheating on him with me!


On the total rebound from above episode as the dumpee, I met headcase girl. Not bad looking, great body, seems relatively nice. She was nice it turns out, just also incredibly whiney, insecure, needy, annoying, boring... oh my god, she was SO boring. She'd go on and on about not having a job, and not being able to get one and moaning about being "thick" and constantly complaining about how it wasn't "fair". I was supportive and reassuring, and sympathetic for about 3 months. I helped her get sorted on a financial advising course, so she could get a "career" instead of constatly dotting between dead-end admin temping jobs.

I just could not take any more of her self loathing, self pitying, boring, "oh woe me" personality and knew it was time, but knowing her fragile emotional state, didn't want to be the one to do the dumping.

Anyway, I had to go away to london for a week with work, which I told her over the phone, whilst getting onto the train. I was also staying (it turned out), in a part of central london that had no mobile phone coverage... which seemed a bit odd *ahem*, and had "forgotten" *ahem* to tell her that on the Saturday I got back I was going out for a friends birthday. As soon as I get home, shes on the phone...

Her: "so are you coming over?"
Me: "err, actually I've got plans to go out for a mates birthday."
Her: "but we haven't seen each other for a week."
Me: "yeah I know, sorry I forgot to tell you, but I can't cancel now."
Her: "this isn't really working out is it."
Me: "nah, shall we call it a day."
Her: "is that what you want?"
Me: "yeah, might as well... bye then."

At least I'd lead her to instigate the dumping, so she shouldn't have felt too bad.

She was so utterly annoying that I couldn't feel bad about it, I just didn't care and hoped that was that.

Except, I then started getting the txt message: "Do you still love me? I still love you."
Didn't reply.
"Why aren't you talking to me, I love you."
Didn't reply.
"I still love you, do you love me?"
"***** stop fucking asking me because you know what the answer is!"

I did feel a little bad after that...meh
(Sat 7th Jun 2008, 1:09, More)