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» Teenage Parties
smoking > drinking
if i remember correctly i went to a party that a friend of mine knew about that was full of stupid hicks in their mid twenties (my friends and i were 18). we had smoked a very large amount of pot before hand because we expected it to be boring, and it was. the best thing there was a picture taht i remember having "lots of colors". while we were enjoying ourselves with the picture some drunk chick came and tried to make us play a drinking game. we instead told her to "go make out with a horse you stupid fucking hick". she told us to leave. still very much in love with the painting we stole it and ran out of the house with only minor cuts and scrapes. good thing they had no idea who we were or where we were from, cause i still have that painting on my wall.
(Tue 18th Apr 2006, 18:30, More)
smoking > drinking
if i remember correctly i went to a party that a friend of mine knew about that was full of stupid hicks in their mid twenties (my friends and i were 18). we had smoked a very large amount of pot before hand because we expected it to be boring, and it was. the best thing there was a picture taht i remember having "lots of colors". while we were enjoying ourselves with the picture some drunk chick came and tried to make us play a drinking game. we instead told her to "go make out with a horse you stupid fucking hick". she told us to leave. still very much in love with the painting we stole it and ran out of the house with only minor cuts and scrapes. good thing they had no idea who we were or where we were from, cause i still have that painting on my wall.
(Tue 18th Apr 2006, 18:30, More)