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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Petty Sabotage
Annoying Shift Leader
I used to work as a tape monkey in the eighties looking after mainframes. It was our job every Sunday night to change the main system password (maximum 8 characters). Our shift leader (we shall call him Deepak) was a particularly nasty piece of work. Being Indian he also had a big problem pronouncing his 'v's. So, too our amusement we would always put v's in the password (Ultimate Pettiness). The best password we came up with was 'v8volvo'.
"What's the new password Dee?" The systems people would shout. "Wee-et-woll-wo" would be the reply followed by “Pardon?” and sounds of people pissing themselves laughing. Our resident skinhead shift member also contributed the password ‘pickanut’. I think it was an anagram….
(Wed 11th May 2005, 1:16, More)
Annoying Shift Leader
I used to work as a tape monkey in the eighties looking after mainframes. It was our job every Sunday night to change the main system password (maximum 8 characters). Our shift leader (we shall call him Deepak) was a particularly nasty piece of work. Being Indian he also had a big problem pronouncing his 'v's. So, too our amusement we would always put v's in the password (Ultimate Pettiness). The best password we came up with was 'v8volvo'.
"What's the new password Dee?" The systems people would shout. "Wee-et-woll-wo" would be the reply followed by “Pardon?” and sounds of people pissing themselves laughing. Our resident skinhead shift member also contributed the password ‘pickanut’. I think it was an anagram….
(Wed 11th May 2005, 1:16, More)
» Letters they'll never read
Who Are you?
Dear Roger Daltrey,
Thank you for not telling me to fuck off when I shoved that bit of paper in your face to sign right in the middle of your meal. I was only 10 years old at the time and the Waitress made me go up and get your autograph. I don’t think I would have been so gracious in the same situation. It’s been bugging me for years. BTW : Great concert in Sydney last year.
(Sun 7th Mar 2010, 8:20, More)
Who Are you?
Dear Roger Daltrey,
Thank you for not telling me to fuck off when I shoved that bit of paper in your face to sign right in the middle of your meal. I was only 10 years old at the time and the Waitress made me go up and get your autograph. I don’t think I would have been so gracious in the same situation. It’s been bugging me for years. BTW : Great concert in Sydney last year.
(Sun 7th Mar 2010, 8:20, More)