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» Accidental innuendo
The bread department
While working part time in tesco a few years ago, I bumped into a girl that had been in the same induction group as me. This was about 2 months after the induction, and I hadn't seen her since - apparently she was working in another job and had to finish off there first. So anyway, I asked her what department she worked in;
"I'm in bread"
*snigger* "You're inbred are you?"
"Yeah I'm in bread".
She carried on smiling and skipped obliviously on her merry way. I get the feeling she wasn't very bright.
(Sun 15th Jun 2008, 23:09, More)
The bread department
While working part time in tesco a few years ago, I bumped into a girl that had been in the same induction group as me. This was about 2 months after the induction, and I hadn't seen her since - apparently she was working in another job and had to finish off there first. So anyway, I asked her what department she worked in;
"I'm in bread"
*snigger* "You're inbred are you?"
"Yeah I'm in bread".
She carried on smiling and skipped obliviously on her merry way. I get the feeling she wasn't very bright.
(Sun 15th Jun 2008, 23:09, More)
» Misunderstood
One of my old man's french teachers...
...had quite a reputation for making funny comments unintentionally.
1 - When the class was talking - "Every time I open my mouth, some fool speaks!"
2 - "Now watch the blackboard while I run through it"
(Mon 10th Oct 2005, 23:32, More)
One of my old man's french teachers...
...had quite a reputation for making funny comments unintentionally.
1 - When the class was talking - "Every time I open my mouth, some fool speaks!"
2 - "Now watch the blackboard while I run through it"
(Mon 10th Oct 2005, 23:32, More)
» Stupid Tourists
lochs and guitars
1) Its LOCH ness, not "Lock" ness, its not a lake, its a loch!! And I havn't seen nessie either...
2) A friend's dad started selling guitars on ebay. They were going for around £30, and an american, who obviously didnt understand the concept of currency exchange, thought that was $30. The american got so confused that my friends dad just said "tell you what, you just give me $20 and we'll cancel the order. Which he did. I suppose this isnt really tourist related, ah well.
(Mon 11th Jul 2005, 15:49, More)
lochs and guitars
1) Its LOCH ness, not "Lock" ness, its not a lake, its a loch!! And I havn't seen nessie either...
2) A friend's dad started selling guitars on ebay. They were going for around £30, and an american, who obviously didnt understand the concept of currency exchange, thought that was $30. The american got so confused that my friends dad just said "tell you what, you just give me $20 and we'll cancel the order. Which he did. I suppose this isnt really tourist related, ah well.
(Mon 11th Jul 2005, 15:49, More)
» Dentists
I'm pretty sure the dentist I used as a teenager hated life and took it out on those getting free dental treatment. I remember once getting a tooth taken out, and the local hadn't worked. I could feel every movement of the drill against my nerve, and I winced, scrunched my face and sucked inwards to try and get the message across.
After the procedure, he turned to me and said "I could see by the look on your face that the anaesthetic didn't work."
If I didn't think I'd sound like a spaz replying with half of my mouth numb, I would have told him exactly what I thought of him.
(Fri 3rd Nov 2006, 22:43, More)
I'm pretty sure the dentist I used as a teenager hated life and took it out on those getting free dental treatment. I remember once getting a tooth taken out, and the local hadn't worked. I could feel every movement of the drill against my nerve, and I winced, scrunched my face and sucked inwards to try and get the message across.
After the procedure, he turned to me and said "I could see by the look on your face that the anaesthetic didn't work."
If I didn't think I'd sound like a spaz replying with half of my mouth numb, I would have told him exactly what I thought of him.
(Fri 3rd Nov 2006, 22:43, More)
» Injured Siblings
When I was 3...
...and my brother was a few months old, I went over to his cott and pulled his arm through the rails really hard. My parents thought he'd dislocated his arm when they heard the screams and the doctor was there pretty quickly! He hadn't though, and I got a serious telling off.
I'm evil...
(Thu 18th Aug 2005, 20:29, More)
When I was 3...
...and my brother was a few months old, I went over to his cott and pulled his arm through the rails really hard. My parents thought he'd dislocated his arm when they heard the screams and the doctor was there pretty quickly! He hadn't though, and I got a serious telling off.
I'm evil...
(Thu 18th Aug 2005, 20:29, More)