b3ta.com user Agitato
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» Thrown away: The stuff you loved and lost.

Old Walking Cane
An elderly neighbor passed, and I was helping clean out his cluttered workshop. In a garbage bin were about a dozen old walking canes. None were of any interest, except one with a carved dog's head for a handle. "You want them?" said the Old Dead Dude's relative. "I've got enough worthless crap already." replied dumbass Me. Away they went to the dump. About a year later I was watching Antiques Roadshow. It was a "Remington Dog Head Cane Gun" that was made in the 1850's. It fired a single .30 cartridge...and one recently sold at auction for $13k USD.
I was nauseated for a solid week. Even now, 5 years later, I just vomited in my mouth.
(Fri 15th Aug 2008, 15:02, More)