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» Jobsworths
BT employees are indeed CUNTS
...but Royal Mail plebs are even worse. Anyone expecting a delivery by RM will be aware that they love to put 'sorry you were out' cards through your door without ever trying the doorbell (or indeed the letterbox). On one of my numerous trips to the local RM depot I encountered a prize jobsworth.
(Hands over 'sorry you were out' card, you're not sorry - don't lie to me)
You got I.D?
Yep (hands over driving license)
But thats the wrong address...
I know, I've just started renting a new flat so I don't have any bills with my name on
I can't give you the parcel if you don't have I.D.
I do have I.D. it's in your hand, with the correct name and face on it. I also have the delivery card, (only obtainable by inhabiting the correct address one assumes)
Sorry mate, it's the wrong address.
But it's not a recorded delivery and it doesn't need a signature. Last time I was in I wasn't even asked for I.D.
Look mate, I need proper I.D. or you can't have the package. Have you got a bank card?
A fucking bank card! I.D. with no picture and no address on it at all, but somehow more acceptable than a full UK driving license with photo, permanent address and signature. Twunt.
(Tue 17th May 2005, 11:51, More)
BT employees are indeed CUNTS
...but Royal Mail plebs are even worse. Anyone expecting a delivery by RM will be aware that they love to put 'sorry you were out' cards through your door without ever trying the doorbell (or indeed the letterbox). On one of my numerous trips to the local RM depot I encountered a prize jobsworth.
(Hands over 'sorry you were out' card, you're not sorry - don't lie to me)
You got I.D?
Yep (hands over driving license)
But thats the wrong address...
I know, I've just started renting a new flat so I don't have any bills with my name on
I can't give you the parcel if you don't have I.D.
I do have I.D. it's in your hand, with the correct name and face on it. I also have the delivery card, (only obtainable by inhabiting the correct address one assumes)
Sorry mate, it's the wrong address.
But it's not a recorded delivery and it doesn't need a signature. Last time I was in I wasn't even asked for I.D.
Look mate, I need proper I.D. or you can't have the package. Have you got a bank card?
A fucking bank card! I.D. with no picture and no address on it at all, but somehow more acceptable than a full UK driving license with photo, permanent address and signature. Twunt.
(Tue 17th May 2005, 11:51, More)
» Jobsworths
248 bus from Romford
Many years ago, a friend and I had just returned from a school trip abroad and were on our way home. We were unfortunate enough to bump into a twat of a bus driver on the final leg. This berk wouldn't allow us to buy child tickets without proof-of-age cards, despite being able to produce full British Passports indicating our juvenile status. What an absolute cunt.
(Tue 17th May 2005, 11:59, More)
248 bus from Romford
Many years ago, a friend and I had just returned from a school trip abroad and were on our way home. We were unfortunate enough to bump into a twat of a bus driver on the final leg. This berk wouldn't allow us to buy child tickets without proof-of-age cards, despite being able to produce full British Passports indicating our juvenile status. What an absolute cunt.
(Tue 17th May 2005, 11:59, More)