b3ta.com user ganglepin
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Best answers to questions:

» Now, there was no need for that...

Evil women
I got married.
Then the baby came.

Then she came home from Tesco's with Dido's second Album.

Life is such a torment.
(Thu 16th Jun 2005, 13:20, More)

» I was drunk when I bought this

I blame the beer but..
1. A crappy BMX off ebay. It looked radical on screen but turned up and looked very gay.

2. A garden kneeler / seat. The day England beat the Argies. Then wandered round pubs / clubs with it under my arm. Women loved it and I got some good 'funbag action' at closing time.

The bloke I got my house off bought a 4 people sauna during a drunken card game. It was installed and working when I moved in.
(Fri 10th Jun 2005, 13:41, More)

» Pretentious bollocks

2 things
1. Everyone on every episode Grand Designs especially the Presenter.
2. The Crazy World of Arther Brown when he sang 'Fire' with his head on fire.

Hey - I've just found out what goatse is all about. Ha. Ive been wondering what it meant for ages.
(Fri 30th Sep 2005, 16:58, More)

» Now, there was no need for that...

re another crap job
Warner Lamberts boiled sweets factory. radcliffe Manchester

It was a summer student type job and the pay was good but...
1) 10 hour shifts of putting bags of sweets into cardboard boxes.
2) Working with old women who were paid on a production bonus so they would go totally fucking mental if you accidently packed 300 bags into the wrong box / came back from tea break 15 mins late.
3. You had to wear clothes provided by the company that were %100 Nylon. These combined with the static build up on the sweet machines meant that you got massive static shocks every time you reached for a new bag.

And (no need bit) our ear defenders had radios in them and 'Midnight at the Oasis' by Brand New Heavies was on every hour. I fucking hated that song before I started the job, nevermind after hearing it 10 times a day for 3 months.
(Thu 16th Jun 2005, 13:48, More)

» I'm an expert

Engineering Design Techniques withing Medical Manufacturing SME's
and drawing landscape pictures using a pencil held between my toes (right foot only - I'm crap with my left)

and masterbation (using my hands, not toes)
(Wed 29th Jun 2005, 9:01, More)
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