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Recent front page messages:
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» When I met the parents
Second time I met her folks, sitting round after dinner having a game of Scrabble with her dad, the Brigadier.
Guess who couldn't resist the 40+ points for 'QUIM' on a triple word score, thus dishing out a humiliating defeat and reminding him what I was about to do to his daughter.
(Tue 24th May 2005, 14:13, More)
Second time I met her folks, sitting round after dinner having a game of Scrabble with her dad, the Brigadier.
Guess who couldn't resist the 40+ points for 'QUIM' on a triple word score, thus dishing out a humiliating defeat and reminding him what I was about to do to his daughter.
(Tue 24th May 2005, 14:13, More)