Profile for spazzcaptain:
Old Lag, no cats, wife, dogs. Drinks a lot and runs a lot to forget drinking. Loves this place which makes me happy and my Classic Mini Cooper which makes me even happier until something falls off.
Bob Crow's vision of the railways


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- a member for 19 years, 10 months and 2 days
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Old Lag, no cats, wife, dogs. Drinks a lot and runs a lot to forget drinking. Loves this place which makes me happy and my Classic Mini Cooper which makes me even happier until something falls off.
Bob Crow's vision of the railways


Recent front page messages:
Happy Christmas B3ta
Edit: faints, does silly dance. My first FP :)

(Tue 25th Dec 2018, 15:52, More)
Edit: faints, does silly dance. My first FP :)

(Tue 25th Dec 2018, 15:52, More)
Best answers to questions:
» Ignored Advice
Don't loan your Sister and Brother in Law 65,000 quid on a short term loan
It won't come back ever as I found out.
(Thu 15th Nov 2012, 23:02, More)
Don't loan your Sister and Brother in Law 65,000 quid on a short term loan
It won't come back ever as I found out.
(Thu 15th Nov 2012, 23:02, More)
» Sexual Disasters
Sex is a disaster for all parties concerned
Just a huge mess of fluids, regrets and self loathing.
(Thu 19th Mar 2015, 23:59, More)
Sex is a disaster for all parties concerned
Just a huge mess of fluids, regrets and self loathing.
(Thu 19th Mar 2015, 23:59, More)
» Silly Achievements
Leaving a crowded train while letting off your smelliest bowl wrenching border line touching cloth fart. Walk away lights pipe and admire your handy work.
(Fri 17th Oct 2014, 0:10, More)
Leaving a crowded train while letting off your smelliest bowl wrenching border line touching cloth fart. Walk away lights pipe and admire your handy work.
(Fri 17th Oct 2014, 0:10, More)
» Not having sex
You want a passion killer try having sex in a Morris Marina
(Thu 22nd May 2014, 16:30, More)
You want a passion killer try having sex in a Morris Marina
(Thu 22nd May 2014, 16:30, More)
» Political Correctness Gone Mad
In the Mid 80s my first job was working behind a Post Office counter in Bow East London which at the time was inhabited by many arty types and the right on donkey jacket clad lefty brigade. Most of my day would be spent stamping and paying out the endless stream of Giro cheques presented to me. One cropped hair aggressive looking lady with the unassuming Gaelic surname of 'McManus' would regularly prod her Giro under the counter at me demanding payment. I would ask for the usual ID and the money would be dished out pronto. Then came the day the Giro was thrust at me and the name on top had changed to 'McWomanus Sunflower.' I declined to ask for ID.
(Thu 22nd Nov 2007, 22:59, More)
In the Mid 80s my first job was working behind a Post Office counter in Bow East London which at the time was inhabited by many arty types and the right on donkey jacket clad lefty brigade. Most of my day would be spent stamping and paying out the endless stream of Giro cheques presented to me. One cropped hair aggressive looking lady with the unassuming Gaelic surname of 'McManus' would regularly prod her Giro under the counter at me demanding payment. I would ask for the usual ID and the money would be dished out pronto. Then came the day the Giro was thrust at me and the name on top had changed to 'McWomanus Sunflower.' I declined to ask for ID.
(Thu 22nd Nov 2007, 22:59, More)