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» It's not me, it's the drugs talking
Sunday opening
Xmas 1999 - "Our Price" record shop -late night/sunday opening was a new thing, which we all agreed would never catch on...
So to avoid arguments as to who would have the easiest full day's pay in their life for a 1/2 days work, management divvied the shifts up - mine was Sunday afternoon.
I prepared for my perceived paid day of rest I planned drinking tea, listening to music and smoking tabs out back by spending a large portion of the morning in the bath, drinking tea, listening to music and smoked a couple of rather too skunk-heavy spliffs.
Walked into the shop from the stock room into absolute bedlam, 4or5 deep at the counter of desperate shoppers, managers having a full-blown argument with a law student about the returns policy, the rest of the morning shift have been run ragged all day.
My happy, carefree and very stoned existance crumbles as I foolishly ask "whose next?" - a forest of grubby mitts stretch out towards me clutching their empty cd cases waiting to be filled.
So I take the nearest cd case, spend an absolute age trying to find a live copy before ringing it through the till then turn to discover that I've completely forgotten who's disc it is, sort that out, take their card ring that through then forget whose card it was etc etc for several hours.
It was hell - couldn't wait to get home and have a bifter.
(Fri 23rd Dec 2005, 12:13, More)
Sunday opening
Xmas 1999 - "Our Price" record shop -late night/sunday opening was a new thing, which we all agreed would never catch on...
So to avoid arguments as to who would have the easiest full day's pay in their life for a 1/2 days work, management divvied the shifts up - mine was Sunday afternoon.
I prepared for my perceived paid day of rest I planned drinking tea, listening to music and smoking tabs out back by spending a large portion of the morning in the bath, drinking tea, listening to music and smoked a couple of rather too skunk-heavy spliffs.
Walked into the shop from the stock room into absolute bedlam, 4or5 deep at the counter of desperate shoppers, managers having a full-blown argument with a law student about the returns policy, the rest of the morning shift have been run ragged all day.
My happy, carefree and very stoned existance crumbles as I foolishly ask "whose next?" - a forest of grubby mitts stretch out towards me clutching their empty cd cases waiting to be filled.
So I take the nearest cd case, spend an absolute age trying to find a live copy before ringing it through the till then turn to discover that I've completely forgotten who's disc it is, sort that out, take their card ring that through then forget whose card it was etc etc for several hours.
It was hell - couldn't wait to get home and have a bifter.
(Fri 23rd Dec 2005, 12:13, More)