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» Birthdays
Oh the difference a year makes...
21st Birthday - fantastic. Spent it in a national park in California, being best man at my brother's wedding. I cried with joy during the ceremony. All the women at the wedding liked the cute 21 year old boy from England, but I didn't act upon my new found popularity as I had a fantastic girlfriend. I was also having a great time at Uni, having made some really good friends that year. I was also about to start my year long industrial placement - my first real job - the world was my oyster! This was it! Finally, life was not turning out to not be an infinitely wide excruciating swimming pool of misery that I couldn't find my way out of. Life was, to be succinct, very good.
22nd Birthday - oh well. Girlfriend dumped me. Was in the midst of a year long industrial placement, doing a job I hated, living with people I hated, in a town I hated - Basingstoke. Spent it in my room, drinking, by myself. I think I probably cried, but this time out of despair. Oh, and got a card from the ex saying "hope you get everything you want!"...yup, I can safely say that I don't quite think that I got everything I wanted, but hey, I got a card so it can't be all bad!
I've finally escaped Amazingstoke and have returned to University. I am a lot happier, but being final year student, I don't have the time for a life, but at least I have friends and I can leave the house to go out and get drunk sometimes. Now have an intense, burning fear of getting a job and entering the real world, as I can tell it will be quite, quite terrible.
(Sun 11th Dec 2005, 11:55, More)
Oh the difference a year makes...
21st Birthday - fantastic. Spent it in a national park in California, being best man at my brother's wedding. I cried with joy during the ceremony. All the women at the wedding liked the cute 21 year old boy from England, but I didn't act upon my new found popularity as I had a fantastic girlfriend. I was also having a great time at Uni, having made some really good friends that year. I was also about to start my year long industrial placement - my first real job - the world was my oyster! This was it! Finally, life was not turning out to not be an infinitely wide excruciating swimming pool of misery that I couldn't find my way out of. Life was, to be succinct, very good.
22nd Birthday - oh well. Girlfriend dumped me. Was in the midst of a year long industrial placement, doing a job I hated, living with people I hated, in a town I hated - Basingstoke. Spent it in my room, drinking, by myself. I think I probably cried, but this time out of despair. Oh, and got a card from the ex saying "hope you get everything you want!"...yup, I can safely say that I don't quite think that I got everything I wanted, but hey, I got a card so it can't be all bad!
I've finally escaped Amazingstoke and have returned to University. I am a lot happier, but being final year student, I don't have the time for a life, but at least I have friends and I can leave the house to go out and get drunk sometimes. Now have an intense, burning fear of getting a job and entering the real world, as I can tell it will be quite, quite terrible.
(Sun 11th Dec 2005, 11:55, More)