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» Injured Siblings
tame, compared to most of the others but...
i was about 4, my brother 1... breakfast time one lovely summers morning. i was sat at the kitchen table with my mum and my brother was in his high chair next to me.
the doorbell rings and my mum goes to answer, saying 'watch your brother a minute'.
she came back into the room about 2 minutes later to find me reading the back of a cereal packet and my brother, having somehow liberated himself from his high chair, had shifted a chair from under the table and placed it up against the fridge freezer. he'd then climbed onto the chair and retrieved the superglue tube from the top of the fridge, opened it and started to dine on the lovely sticky contents.
cue a day of me at a neighbours house, and my mum spending the day at the hospital having my brother checked out. he was ok fortunately...
years later, in the car on the way to wherever we were going on holiday. i was 16, him 13. after an offhand, snidey comment on my behalf, he swung his fist round in a half hearted way and caught me PERFECTLY on the elbow, hitting a nerve or something... it caused me to double up in pain, loose every ounce of breathe in my body, dry heave and when my dad finally pulled into a layby to see what the fuss was, i couldnt walk... i'll never forget that. agony.
legnth is just an illusion...
(Mon 22nd Aug 2005, 19:49, More)
tame, compared to most of the others but...
i was about 4, my brother 1... breakfast time one lovely summers morning. i was sat at the kitchen table with my mum and my brother was in his high chair next to me.
the doorbell rings and my mum goes to answer, saying 'watch your brother a minute'.
she came back into the room about 2 minutes later to find me reading the back of a cereal packet and my brother, having somehow liberated himself from his high chair, had shifted a chair from under the table and placed it up against the fridge freezer. he'd then climbed onto the chair and retrieved the superglue tube from the top of the fridge, opened it and started to dine on the lovely sticky contents.
cue a day of me at a neighbours house, and my mum spending the day at the hospital having my brother checked out. he was ok fortunately...
years later, in the car on the way to wherever we were going on holiday. i was 16, him 13. after an offhand, snidey comment on my behalf, he swung his fist round in a half hearted way and caught me PERFECTLY on the elbow, hitting a nerve or something... it caused me to double up in pain, loose every ounce of breathe in my body, dry heave and when my dad finally pulled into a layby to see what the fuss was, i couldnt walk... i'll never forget that. agony.
legnth is just an illusion...
(Mon 22nd Aug 2005, 19:49, More)