b3ta.com user jaffacakes
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Best answers to questions:

» Shame

i was young.
I bought "Final Countdown" by Europe. I even played it a few times.
(Thu 24th Nov 2005, 17:58, More)

» My first love

my first love
and still is a box of jaffacakes. Its true profound love.*sighs" if only jaffacakes had female bits.
(Thu 20th Oct 2005, 17:40, More)

» Shame

the shame of co-op jaffas
I just had to buy co-op jaffas my local co-op is the shop from hell 2m wide biscuit section no bloody mcvites. I almost ran home.

brotagaia your my kind of lady fancy a date?
(Sun 27th Nov 2005, 16:49, More)

» Essential Items

not me but vince
When i lived in Luton which i avoid at all lengths now i often ventured into the Arndale Centre a shopping experience from hell (remember Mr.Byryte). The Arndale was a fav haunt of vince the bagman he was a bit of a hippie throwback. Vince always carried a hold-all , whatever was in it only God and vince knows because every word he muttered was unintellgiable so there was no point asking him. I came to the conclusion it was some sort of balancing device to keep him upright.
So i guess the bag itself was essential not what was in it.It wasnt his laundry though im sure cos he had a slight whiff about him.
(Thu 27th Oct 2005, 22:25, More)