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» Hidden Treasure
Yay - More Porn !!
Being over in the Netherlands with work for two weeks can get pretty tedious. - If only I had something to keep me occupied...
..I found two wonderful porn mags!!
Unfortunately, I found them on my last day there when I was packing to go home. I'm always uber-paranoid about leaving anything behind when I'm away, so I checked every shelf in the wardrobe... including the shelf which was far too high for me to reach anyway. There's no way I could have put any of my clothing or other items up there. - but my obsessiveness got the better of me and I got a chair to check. - Yay, porn !!
I have other stories to tell about hidden treasure, which I have been remembering since registering last week, but can't be arsed to tell them. :-)
POP! - first post. Wooh and yay for me !!
(Tue 5th Jul 2005, 13:47, More)
Yay - More Porn !!
Being over in the Netherlands with work for two weeks can get pretty tedious. - If only I had something to keep me occupied...
..I found two wonderful porn mags!!
Unfortunately, I found them on my last day there when I was packing to go home. I'm always uber-paranoid about leaving anything behind when I'm away, so I checked every shelf in the wardrobe... including the shelf which was far too high for me to reach anyway. There's no way I could have put any of my clothing or other items up there. - but my obsessiveness got the better of me and I got a chair to check. - Yay, porn !!
I have other stories to tell about hidden treasure, which I have been remembering since registering last week, but can't be arsed to tell them. :-)
POP! - first post. Wooh and yay for me !!
(Tue 5th Jul 2005, 13:47, More)