b3ta.com user Mei Wel Hung
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» PE Lessons

Our lovely PE teacher imprisoned for being a kiddy fiddler!
Early 80s, 12 years old, jump out of the pool and go to get changed into indoor kit, damn I've forgotten my shorts. Our lovely PE teacher says this is not a problem, you can run round the field instead. Which is three inches deep in snow. In your trunks. Without your shoes. And no, you don't have the time to get yourself dry either, get out and get running. It seemed rather harsh but was fairly typical of the man.

The man being one Terry Lowther, who used to like getting into the showers with the boys and giving his bits a good shampoo, and was imprisoned just a few years ago after spending his 20 year tenure at the place showing young boys pornography and then fiddling with them. Thank god someone reported him and some other lads backed it up.

I suppose running around the field in the snow probably wasn't really that bad after all... perhaps he ignored me after my dick shrivelled up in the cold.
(Fri 20th Nov 2009, 16:42, More)