b3ta.com user In the guise of Chad Sexington
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» Scary Neighbours

murder and fire bombs
I used to live in the west end of Newcastle, lovely house and canny enough neighbours, on the left an Asian couple on the right a local family. Dad was canny enough gave us beer the first night we moved in and the like.
We first noticed something was a foot when a number of burning cars started turning up out side the house, oh strange. A few days later I’m reading the paper and a story about a 17 lad that was at his gf’s house and he decided to help him self to some cash, this was seen by the gf’s 8 year old sister, our hero, not wanting to be caught, stabs little sister 17 times and runs, this my friends, was my next door neighbour and the burning cars a warning from the girls family.
It got worst when some one poured petrol all over the front door and lit it (this was a terrace by the way!!) whilst my gf was in my house, pretty fucked up. It clamed down when the kid was locked up.
Big innit?
(Mon 29th Aug 2005, 11:07, More)