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» Scary Neighbours
Poor Sparrows...
I was quite young and was watching TISWAS at my grans one Saturday morning when I kept hearing a strange noise coming from the front garden every now and again. Put down my usual Tiswas fare of Salt and Vinegar crisps and bottle of Cresta, stood on the foot stool and looked out of the window where I saw a selection of small garden birds lying on the floor.
Having a nap I thought in my childish ignorance. Noticing a sparrow land on the garden fence I watched to see if it would join it's did, very quickly, aided by the mad middle aged so & so next door who was shooting the things and then using them as bait when he went off hunting in the woods nearby. Not a nice man....
Oh and he once threw his wife out of their upstairs bedroom window whilst we were having Sunday lunch.
(Fri 26th Aug 2005, 15:56, More)
Poor Sparrows...
I was quite young and was watching TISWAS at my grans one Saturday morning when I kept hearing a strange noise coming from the front garden every now and again. Put down my usual Tiswas fare of Salt and Vinegar crisps and bottle of Cresta, stood on the foot stool and looked out of the window where I saw a selection of small garden birds lying on the floor.
Having a nap I thought in my childish ignorance. Noticing a sparrow land on the garden fence I watched to see if it would join it's did, very quickly, aided by the mad middle aged so & so next door who was shooting the things and then using them as bait when he went off hunting in the woods nearby. Not a nice man....
Oh and he once threw his wife out of their upstairs bedroom window whilst we were having Sunday lunch.
(Fri 26th Aug 2005, 15:56, More)