b3ta.com user FinbarSaunders
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» Scary Neighbours

Scary neighbours
John lives in the flats opposite my house. I didn't know he existsedm until one day, just before Christmas 2004, I got a card on my doormat. Inside was a christmas card, with terrible writing. Long and short is that John is from no. 50, and wants to be my friend. f00k that, he has signed off his card with "sorry about the writing, my medication is very strong". I get a few more letters, and ignore the insane funster. A few weeks ago, I went to my mates BBQ in the next street along. Whaddya know, John's flat is between the 2 streets, so he also overlooks my mate's back garden. Friend says "hey, we got a letter from some bloke opposite". Guess who?! Gold star dear reader, it's John again, claiming that the residents in my street are all cnuts, and he wants to get rid of everyone from my street, and turn it into a Gay Commune. There's so much more about this loon I could write, but I actually feel sorry for this nutter.
(Tue 30th Aug 2005, 12:48, More)