Profile for amoebaboy:
60 somthing runs a nightclub/music venue called the night owl in birminghan.
gerry andersons ufo given the amoebaboy treatment
and also on divx
space monkey 2 is here

but this is all i managed to upload before my computer threw a wobbly.
any advice about encoding in premier gratefully accepted the quality leaves a lot to be desired
also thanks to everyone from here and b3ta who donated aliens, I'm still trying to encode a final version with credits
heres some of my b3ta stuff
download this robot here for free!

download your own robot here zipped pshop file,use contact adhesive score the folds before you bend them also you can use photo paper for a super shiny finnish
href="" target="_blank" thanks to mr horrible for sorting linky magic out for me and, oh and the robot is evil red in this one

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60 somthing runs a nightclub/music venue called the night owl in birminghan.
gerry andersons ufo given the amoebaboy treatment
and also on divx
space monkey 2 is here

but this is all i managed to upload before my computer threw a wobbly.
any advice about encoding in premier gratefully accepted the quality leaves a lot to be desired
also thanks to everyone from here and b3ta who donated aliens, I'm still trying to encode a final version with credits
heres some of my b3ta stuff
download this robot here for free!

download your own robot here zipped pshop file,use contact adhesive score the folds before you bend them also you can use photo paper for a super shiny finnish

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a salt, battery and disturbing the plaice

its all daves fault you know
(Mon 22nd Jan 2007, 10:35, More)

its all daves fault you know
(Mon 22nd Jan 2007, 10:35, More)

from the drawing earlier
(Thu 28th Sep 2006, 23:44, More)

from the drawing earlier
(Thu 28th Sep 2006, 23:44, More)
i am the god of hell fire and i bring you

a nice cup of tea and a piece of toast.
(Wed 14th Dec 2005, 21:46, More)

a nice cup of tea and a piece of toast.
(Wed 14th Dec 2005, 21:46, More)
Best answers to questions:
» Housemates
Peter Peter mushroom eater
Set the scene shared house near birmingham university new girlfriend mad land lady, and Pete, bit of a rugger bugger nice enough chap, in that over familiar firm handshake posh school sort of way.
one time i left a bit of homegrown on the table in the lounge, pete helped himself to the lot while we were out, i was a bit annoyed but let it go.
this is around the time acid house and dance culture in general took off, tremendously exiting time, house parties warehouse parties clubs, gigs, all manner of new stuff to try and fun to be had.
the evenings entertainment usually started abut 9ish, getting lashed on sainsburys vodka and a bit of substance abuse before going out.
One night had a bunch of folks up from london all of them pretty hardcore clubbers so we decided to show them a good time, i had a humongous stash of "ahem" wild mushrooms, freshly picked, and the time was right so we cooked em up and went out raving, leaving about three hundred or so on the lounge table to dry out.
One seriously good night out later we returned, only to find nobody had any keys to get in, there is a light on in the lounge i peers through a gap in the curtains and saw Pete sitting on the sofa with the maddest looking eyes i have ever seen , i hammer on the window "let us in pete we have no keys" i say, pete leaps from the sofa runs around the room a bit and legs it upstairs.
so tripping my nuts off and giggling like a loon i have to climb up a drainpipe and squeeze myself through a tiny bathroom window, to let everybody in.
the silly bastard never had any before, only gone and necked the lot.
i did wonder if i should mention the screaming horde of black bats gathering above the house but then i thought nah, fuck him he'l find out about them soon enough.
length... about 16 hours
he left soon after that and i moved in.
(Tue 3rd Mar 2009, 3:31, More)
Peter Peter mushroom eater
Set the scene shared house near birmingham university new girlfriend mad land lady, and Pete, bit of a rugger bugger nice enough chap, in that over familiar firm handshake posh school sort of way.
one time i left a bit of homegrown on the table in the lounge, pete helped himself to the lot while we were out, i was a bit annoyed but let it go.
this is around the time acid house and dance culture in general took off, tremendously exiting time, house parties warehouse parties clubs, gigs, all manner of new stuff to try and fun to be had.
the evenings entertainment usually started abut 9ish, getting lashed on sainsburys vodka and a bit of substance abuse before going out.
One night had a bunch of folks up from london all of them pretty hardcore clubbers so we decided to show them a good time, i had a humongous stash of "ahem" wild mushrooms, freshly picked, and the time was right so we cooked em up and went out raving, leaving about three hundred or so on the lounge table to dry out.
One seriously good night out later we returned, only to find nobody had any keys to get in, there is a light on in the lounge i peers through a gap in the curtains and saw Pete sitting on the sofa with the maddest looking eyes i have ever seen , i hammer on the window "let us in pete we have no keys" i say, pete leaps from the sofa runs around the room a bit and legs it upstairs.
so tripping my nuts off and giggling like a loon i have to climb up a drainpipe and squeeze myself through a tiny bathroom window, to let everybody in.
the silly bastard never had any before, only gone and necked the lot.
i did wonder if i should mention the screaming horde of black bats gathering above the house but then i thought nah, fuck him he'l find out about them soon enough.
length... about 16 hours
he left soon after that and i moved in.
(Tue 3rd Mar 2009, 3:31, More)
» Happy 10th Birthday B3ta
six years one month 25 days its all Mr Horrible s fault
Mr Horrible my mate of many years moved in a couple of doors down from me bringing with him his new fangled wireless internets, he then gave me an airel and and a card to stick in my wheezing old pc so i could look at the aforementioned internets.
He said have you seen this, and typed in b3ta, the rest is history, i was hooked from the first day.
Once i had the secret of the upload codez there was no stopping me, i think i still had my l plates when i got my first fp.
i have made many good friends through b3ta, and hope to make many more, my only regret is that i don't seem to have to have the time to make stuff for it any more.
long live b3ta, and all you lovely people who post on here.
oh and one more thing, lets have a few more bashes please, big loud lairy drunken ones.
(Tue 13th Sep 2011, 20:39, More)
six years one month 25 days its all Mr Horrible s fault
Mr Horrible my mate of many years moved in a couple of doors down from me bringing with him his new fangled wireless internets, he then gave me an airel and and a card to stick in my wheezing old pc so i could look at the aforementioned internets.
He said have you seen this, and typed in b3ta, the rest is history, i was hooked from the first day.
Once i had the secret of the upload codez there was no stopping me, i think i still had my l plates when i got my first fp.
i have made many good friends through b3ta, and hope to make many more, my only regret is that i don't seem to have to have the time to make stuff for it any more.
long live b3ta, and all you lovely people who post on here.
oh and one more thing, lets have a few more bashes please, big loud lairy drunken ones.
(Tue 13th Sep 2011, 20:39, More)
» I'm glad nobody saw me
power kites , the early days
Mat J reminded me of one of my early power kite experiences.
over on the rugby fields near cannon hill park in Birmingham,
stack of two flexifoil super tens "remember them" with those padded wrist straps, in an absolute howling gale.
fuck me the biggest fastest scariest air i ever got i was yanked bodily up about six feet, fuck i thought this is ace, then a freak gust caught me and i sailed up another ten at least, shit i thought am going to die
the sheer violence of those stackers in a high wind is something to be believed.
the float is of course non existent i came down very fast and hard, then i got dragged through the mud and dogshit for a bit.
i wrestled the kites back into the bags and fucked off sharpish, nobody saw it, it must have been quite spectacular.
(Sat 29th Jan 2011, 19:52, More)
power kites , the early days
Mat J reminded me of one of my early power kite experiences.
over on the rugby fields near cannon hill park in Birmingham,
stack of two flexifoil super tens "remember them" with those padded wrist straps, in an absolute howling gale.
fuck me the biggest fastest scariest air i ever got i was yanked bodily up about six feet, fuck i thought this is ace, then a freak gust caught me and i sailed up another ten at least, shit i thought am going to die
the sheer violence of those stackers in a high wind is something to be believed.
the float is of course non existent i came down very fast and hard, then i got dragged through the mud and dogshit for a bit.
i wrestled the kites back into the bags and fucked off sharpish, nobody saw it, it must have been quite spectacular.
(Sat 29th Jan 2011, 19:52, More)
» Redundant technology
my house is rammed full of the stuff
i drive a scabby old 2cv i've had for ages that i gave fifty quid for.
i also ride a forty five year old vespa 150 super.
casette tapes and mini discs are mrs amoebas prefered recording medium, so we have hundreds of the things everywhere, i bought her a shiny new zoom digital field recorder but she fucking hates it.
we have huge mixing desk and an old fosdex d 80 multitrack.
a roland sh1 synth, that no longer works, but i refuse to throw out and a bunch of old amps and speakers that will never fly again.
a realy massive old episcope projector like the ones they used to have at school.
games wise there is an amiga 1200, an original nintendo entertaiment system with the indiana jones game bundle, a mega drive with sonic built in, all in the original boxes ready to go.
(Fri 5th Nov 2010, 0:53, More)
my house is rammed full of the stuff
i drive a scabby old 2cv i've had for ages that i gave fifty quid for.
i also ride a forty five year old vespa 150 super.
casette tapes and mini discs are mrs amoebas prefered recording medium, so we have hundreds of the things everywhere, i bought her a shiny new zoom digital field recorder but she fucking hates it.
we have huge mixing desk and an old fosdex d 80 multitrack.
a roland sh1 synth, that no longer works, but i refuse to throw out and a bunch of old amps and speakers that will never fly again.
a realy massive old episcope projector like the ones they used to have at school.
games wise there is an amiga 1200, an original nintendo entertaiment system with the indiana jones game bundle, a mega drive with sonic built in, all in the original boxes ready to go.
(Fri 5th Nov 2010, 0:53, More)