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» Performance
My Freddy Mercury Moment
On the Liberty & Livelihood March (Yeah the pro-hunting march) I had been asked to take my banjo by the organisers.
I walked along playing hunting songs and lots of people joined in - they are a musical bunch whether you love 'em or loathe 'em
As I walked on to Whitehall I struck up with the best known hunting song, "John Peel"
...tens of thousands of people joined in. There were about quarter of a million on the march.
It was quite a buzz.
Tally ho.
(Fri 19th Aug 2011, 15:24, More)
My Freddy Mercury Moment
On the Liberty & Livelihood March (Yeah the pro-hunting march) I had been asked to take my banjo by the organisers.
I walked along playing hunting songs and lots of people joined in - they are a musical bunch whether you love 'em or loathe 'em
As I walked on to Whitehall I struck up with the best known hunting song, "John Peel"
...tens of thousands of people joined in. There were about quarter of a million on the march.
It was quite a buzz.
Tally ho.
(Fri 19th Aug 2011, 15:24, More)
» Tales of the Unexplained
Spooky Be-bop recording session
I don't believe in God or ghosts....
Recording session in the 1980's on a 4 track Portastudio.
We were recording a Charlie Parker tune called Billie's Bounce.
Track 1) Simmons Drum kit. Those hexagonal things popular in the 80's.
Track 2) Bass guitar.
Track 3) Rhythm guitar.
Before recording the final track we rewound the tape and turned up the speakers to listen to the song as it was recorded so far.
We looked at each other in total terror.
We both heard the same thing, at the same time.
There was someone singing on the track.
We hadn't recorded any singing. It was a gruff male voice singing scat style (Doobdoobie dobie dooo wop dayyyy! like on the Fast Show Jazz club sketch)
It was in tune, in time and it even sounded good.
We checked the recording the next day and it was gone.
Scared us shitless.
(Thu 3rd Jul 2008, 22:22, More)
Spooky Be-bop recording session
I don't believe in God or ghosts....
Recording session in the 1980's on a 4 track Portastudio.
We were recording a Charlie Parker tune called Billie's Bounce.
Track 1) Simmons Drum kit. Those hexagonal things popular in the 80's.
Track 2) Bass guitar.
Track 3) Rhythm guitar.
Before recording the final track we rewound the tape and turned up the speakers to listen to the song as it was recorded so far.
We looked at each other in total terror.
We both heard the same thing, at the same time.
There was someone singing on the track.
We hadn't recorded any singing. It was a gruff male voice singing scat style (Doobdoobie dobie dooo wop dayyyy! like on the Fast Show Jazz club sketch)
It was in tune, in time and it even sounded good.
We checked the recording the next day and it was gone.
Scared us shitless.
(Thu 3rd Jul 2008, 22:22, More)
» I'm Sorry I've Written A Joke
Best joke ever.
Q. Why did the fish sink?
A. Because it was a brick.
Credit for this work of genius must be given to my autistic freind, Neil R.
(Sat 24th Aug 2019, 22:17, More)
Best joke ever.
Q. Why did the fish sink?
A. Because it was a brick.
Credit for this work of genius must be given to my autistic freind, Neil R.
(Sat 24th Aug 2019, 22:17, More)
» Killed to DEATH
What have I killed?
Thousands of rabbits, dozens of hares, many pheasant, lots of rats, a few duck, not enough mink & a few foxes. Tens of thousands of slugs too.
Pheasant for Christmas dinner!
(Sat 24th Dec 2011, 9:29, More)
What have I killed?
Thousands of rabbits, dozens of hares, many pheasant, lots of rats, a few duck, not enough mink & a few foxes. Tens of thousands of slugs too.
Pheasant for Christmas dinner!
(Sat 24th Dec 2011, 9:29, More)