b3ta.com user sdflkjhdsmnb
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» Strict Parents

never take your mum down the pub
my brother took my mum down the pub for the first time when she visited his new house.

we've always through my mum was stuck in the past, but this was remarkable.

walking back from the pub, a few glasses of white wine later, my mum got very upset. She, my brother and his wife, and their neighbours were walking in a line along a narrow pavement back to his house when she cried (in all seriousness)

"don't walk in a line! if you do that, the japs will get us. The sniper always shoots the one at the back and no one notices"

they had to obey, otherwise she would have kept screaming.

this was in 2003. 58 years after Japan surrendered in WWII. not that that counts for my mother.
(Thu 8th Mar 2007, 21:41, More)