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» On the stage
In recent times, well, yesterday..........
I was putting on a performance of that classic musical Oliver. Naturally everything is going well, the show about powerful political views from over a hundred years ago is being well absorbed by the crowd of primary school children.
It comes to a song sung by my good friend Fagen. With himself and the stage microphoned up, off he launches with a perfect rendition, word for word prefect, the band are even impressed. He takes a bow waits for the clapping to stop, delivers a few lines and steps off the stage.
All is quiet, and suddenly a microphoned voice booms out over the children 'Stupid fucking song, the guy that wrote this is a fucking twat!'
Fagen had left his microphone on, and had proclaimed this loudly to all the local primaray school children, their parents, and teachers.
Good on 'im, that's what I say.
(Tue 6th Dec 2005, 17:49, More)
In recent times, well, yesterday..........
I was putting on a performance of that classic musical Oliver. Naturally everything is going well, the show about powerful political views from over a hundred years ago is being well absorbed by the crowd of primary school children.
It comes to a song sung by my good friend Fagen. With himself and the stage microphoned up, off he launches with a perfect rendition, word for word prefect, the band are even impressed. He takes a bow waits for the clapping to stop, delivers a few lines and steps off the stage.
All is quiet, and suddenly a microphoned voice booms out over the children 'Stupid fucking song, the guy that wrote this is a fucking twat!'
Fagen had left his microphone on, and had proclaimed this loudly to all the local primaray school children, their parents, and teachers.
Good on 'im, that's what I say.
(Tue 6th Dec 2005, 17:49, More)