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» Karma
The Donkey
In my first year of uni I was put into a flat in the student accommodation with 5 other girls.
One of these girls obviously didn't have much going for her and decided it was her job to make my life a misery because I had a social life.
Many lies were told and I was slowly written off by 3 of my other flatmates to the point of almost giving up uni because I was so miserable.
When a person is mentally disturbed there are signs. Her ways of showing that she was upset were perculiar and included:
Taking an overdose and then ringing a girl who lived downstairs to have a chat and then just at the end she said 'i've just taken an overdose, i'll see you later'.
Opening her window and playing christmas music from october until february.
Getting hold of our flatmates boyfriend's phone numbers and txting them when they didn't arrive home on time or had had a fight.
Labelling everything, i mean even the pots and pans, in the kitchen with her and the three other people who she got on with's initials.
Hounding any man that looked at her twice and then buying them drinks until they were in a comatose state.
Karma is a funny thing.
The four of them moved into a flat together and discovered that this girl was a psycho.
They all told her that in their third year they were going to commute when actually they all live together in a different flat and have had to change their phone numbers.
I am not a petty person but over the course of the year I got into the routine of pissing in any toiletries belonging to them that were left in the bathroom. I remember one of them commenting that their shampoo had never lasted so long before.
On many occasions when i'd had a few too many I came back and found the carefully labelled milk and pissed in that too.
I do not feel bitter any more. The feeling of knowing that they all ingested my piss and are now having to live their lives in fear is better than anything I else I could do.
(Sun 24th Feb 2008, 2:15, More)
The Donkey
In my first year of uni I was put into a flat in the student accommodation with 5 other girls.
One of these girls obviously didn't have much going for her and decided it was her job to make my life a misery because I had a social life.
Many lies were told and I was slowly written off by 3 of my other flatmates to the point of almost giving up uni because I was so miserable.
When a person is mentally disturbed there are signs. Her ways of showing that she was upset were perculiar and included:
Taking an overdose and then ringing a girl who lived downstairs to have a chat and then just at the end she said 'i've just taken an overdose, i'll see you later'.
Opening her window and playing christmas music from october until february.
Getting hold of our flatmates boyfriend's phone numbers and txting them when they didn't arrive home on time or had had a fight.
Labelling everything, i mean even the pots and pans, in the kitchen with her and the three other people who she got on with's initials.
Hounding any man that looked at her twice and then buying them drinks until they were in a comatose state.
Karma is a funny thing.
The four of them moved into a flat together and discovered that this girl was a psycho.
They all told her that in their third year they were going to commute when actually they all live together in a different flat and have had to change their phone numbers.
I am not a petty person but over the course of the year I got into the routine of pissing in any toiletries belonging to them that were left in the bathroom. I remember one of them commenting that their shampoo had never lasted so long before.
On many occasions when i'd had a few too many I came back and found the carefully labelled milk and pissed in that too.
I do not feel bitter any more. The feeling of knowing that they all ingested my piss and are now having to live their lives in fear is better than anything I else I could do.
(Sun 24th Feb 2008, 2:15, More)
» Dumb things you've done
what an interesting pattern
In the first year of my degree I spent most of my time burning fabrics to see what they looked like.
One day I decided that a soldering iron would be a good implement to use. That went well until i picked up the soldering iron by the wrong end.
The pain was bearable until I got home. After my thumb and forefinger swelled up to monsterous blistery proportions I discovered I had an interesting polka dot pattern burnt into my thumb.
Being petrified of hospitals I decided that the best thing to do was to keep it under cold water for as long as possible. This lead to me walking to boots in the city centre with my fingers in a cup of water.
After buying savlon, dressings and freeze gel i went home and spent the next several days applying all three until the swelling went down. Luckily all went well other than having no fingerprints for a week or two.
(Fri 21st Dec 2007, 0:17, More)
what an interesting pattern
In the first year of my degree I spent most of my time burning fabrics to see what they looked like.
One day I decided that a soldering iron would be a good implement to use. That went well until i picked up the soldering iron by the wrong end.
The pain was bearable until I got home. After my thumb and forefinger swelled up to monsterous blistery proportions I discovered I had an interesting polka dot pattern burnt into my thumb.
Being petrified of hospitals I decided that the best thing to do was to keep it under cold water for as long as possible. This lead to me walking to boots in the city centre with my fingers in a cup of water.
After buying savlon, dressings and freeze gel i went home and spent the next several days applying all three until the swelling went down. Luckily all went well other than having no fingerprints for a week or two.
(Fri 21st Dec 2007, 0:17, More)
» Unusual talents
Tongue Wave
Bit of a waste as I'm not into lesbianism.
(Sun 21st Nov 2010, 12:56, More)
Tongue Wave
Bit of a waste as I'm not into lesbianism.
(Sun 21st Nov 2010, 12:56, More)