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- a member for 19 years, 6 months and 23 days
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Cheap Tat
Bloody icons.
I paid money for a tiny little picture that now appears next to my username on a website I hardly go on and proves nothing other than the fact that as a poor student, I'd rather spend my money on pixels than food.
If that's not useless crap, I really don't know what is.
(Sat 5th Jan 2008, 15:18, More)
Bloody icons.
I paid money for a tiny little picture that now appears next to my username on a website I hardly go on and proves nothing other than the fact that as a poor student, I'd rather spend my money on pixels than food.
If that's not useless crap, I really don't know what is.
(Sat 5th Jan 2008, 15:18, More)
» Scary Neighbours
my neighbour...
... is a bitch.
on my 16th birthday i had an all day barbecue. my garden is very small and my fence is only a few feet high, so, inevitably, a ball got kicked over and a frisbee flew over.
she refused to give them back. so my drunken friends decided to FILL her garden. they threw a chair over, a lot of burnt food, a bicycle and a lot of their clothes.
then when they went round to ask for them back, the boy who was first in line got grabbed by the scruff of the neck, dragged through to the back garden, and she threw HIM over the fence into my garden.
aplogies for length.
(Fri 26th Aug 2005, 15:27, More)
my neighbour...
... is a bitch.
on my 16th birthday i had an all day barbecue. my garden is very small and my fence is only a few feet high, so, inevitably, a ball got kicked over and a frisbee flew over.
she refused to give them back. so my drunken friends decided to FILL her garden. they threw a chair over, a lot of burnt food, a bicycle and a lot of their clothes.
then when they went round to ask for them back, the boy who was first in line got grabbed by the scruff of the neck, dragged through to the back garden, and she threw HIM over the fence into my garden.
aplogies for length.
(Fri 26th Aug 2005, 15:27, More)
» Heckles
Went to Rocky Horror the other day...
... now as you may know, this is full of heckling, practically every line being answered by someone in the crowd, usually light hearted, e.g.
narrator - "But what was over?"
heckler - "Your career!"
But the highlight of my night had to be this one;
franknfurter - "My children have turned against me"
heckler - "that's what gary glitter said"
(Sat 8th Apr 2006, 13:11, More)
Went to Rocky Horror the other day...
... now as you may know, this is full of heckling, practically every line being answered by someone in the crowd, usually light hearted, e.g.
narrator - "But what was over?"
heckler - "Your career!"
But the highlight of my night had to be this one;
franknfurter - "My children have turned against me"
heckler - "that's what gary glitter said"
(Sat 8th Apr 2006, 13:11, More)
» Public Transport Trauma
Do you know what, I never answer these.
But I had the shittiest journey the other week. I'd had a terrible day so I got on all crying and that, and I have the journey home from hell.
For starters, the journey was to my home in Wood Green, which is bad enough anyway. But all in one night:
There was a fight and I got elbowed in the head, people bled everywhere and no-one helped them and I lost my faith in the human race.
I offered an elderley gentleman my seat, and he told me he was perfectly capable of standing and what did I think he was, crippled? I said, no, I was just trying to be nice, and he said, well don't bother next time if I was only going to offend people. So I won't.
At some point on this journey (probably being bundled about during the scrap) I lost an earring. This wouldn't normally be a big deal, but they were really nice earrings.
I got to Wood Green and my oyster card wouldn't let me out. I went to 'seek assistance' as the machine kindly advised and just burst into tears at the miserable TFL worker, who just let me out the barrier and sent me on my way.
I found out the next day this meant my Oyster had charged my £5 for not completing my journey.
I know it's not like anyone died, and there's no gratuitous nudity or swearing, but it was a really crap 20 minutes or so.
(Sat 31st May 2008, 20:54, More)
Do you know what, I never answer these.
But I had the shittiest journey the other week. I'd had a terrible day so I got on all crying and that, and I have the journey home from hell.
For starters, the journey was to my home in Wood Green, which is bad enough anyway. But all in one night:
There was a fight and I got elbowed in the head, people bled everywhere and no-one helped them and I lost my faith in the human race.
I offered an elderley gentleman my seat, and he told me he was perfectly capable of standing and what did I think he was, crippled? I said, no, I was just trying to be nice, and he said, well don't bother next time if I was only going to offend people. So I won't.
At some point on this journey (probably being bundled about during the scrap) I lost an earring. This wouldn't normally be a big deal, but they were really nice earrings.
I got to Wood Green and my oyster card wouldn't let me out. I went to 'seek assistance' as the machine kindly advised and just burst into tears at the miserable TFL worker, who just let me out the barrier and sent me on my way.
I found out the next day this meant my Oyster had charged my £5 for not completing my journey.
I know it's not like anyone died, and there's no gratuitous nudity or swearing, but it was a really crap 20 minutes or so.
(Sat 31st May 2008, 20:54, More)
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