b3ta.com user Nobsocks
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» Ignoring Instructions

Damn you Microsoft!
I got bored one day and decided to get my xbox modded. I had a mate who knew all about this type of stuff, so he helped me get it done. The guy who did it for me made a complete bollocks of it so I thought I'd open it up and have a look myself.
I unplugged the power supply so I wouldn't get electrocuted, however, on the side of the PSU there was a warning that read something along the lines of "RISK OF ELECTIC SHOCK EVEN WHEN NOT CONNECTED TO THE MAINS"
I thought that couldn't possibly be true and it was just put there to deter people from dickin' around inside. But sure enough, within a few minutes of poking and prodding I got a massive electric shock right up both of my arms. I stood up and screamed "BOLLOCKS" at the top of my voice, almost causing my mates gran (in the other room) to have a heart attack. I haven't been back to his house since that day and something tells me I won't be going back any time soon.
(Mon 8th May 2006, 17:39, More)

» I met a weirdo on the interweb

The joy of online gaming
I was in an Age of Mythology clan about 3 years ago and used to play regularly with a certain bunch of people, but the clan soon died and I lost contact with most of them, except one fellow called Phil. I talk to him every day on MSN and have done for the last few years, even more than I talk to my actual friends. I've never met him before. He's coming over to my house next Friday for my birthday party...
(Sun 19th Mar 2006, 20:59, More)

» Mugged

I live in south Manchester, so when I get mugged its either by a 9 year old on a BMX wearing a balaclava with a hand gun, or its a group of 20 lads with nothing better to do.

One particular time I was riding by home with two of my friends on bikes. We took a short cut through a local park, which was a bad idea.
When we were about half way through the park one of my friends recieved a text message from his girlfriend, so naturally he had to stop and read it. A group of about 20 lads comes over this hill and comes towards us. I said 'Shit, scallies, let's go' to which my friend replied 'it's all right, they won't do anything'
Minutes later he was unconsious in a pool of his own blood and I was in a pond with a fractured skull.
(Fri 16th Jun 2006, 3:10, More)

» Worst Nicknames Ever

My brothers mate
used to call me 'Spookul the Magic Dragon'
I have no idea why and I don't really want to ask because, quite frankly, he's a complete tosser.
(Tue 23rd May 2006, 0:42, More)

» Worst Nicknames Ever

Got my pubes out
at a party once, and earned myself the nickname "Ginger Pubes"
(Sun 21st May 2006, 2:42, More)
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