b3ta.com user princess_buttercup
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» Ignoring Instructions

Run around the house with things sticking out your mouth.

Was in the kitchen (about age 7) playing my recorder with no hands until... I smashed into the kitchen table, recorder end first.

I can still feel the scar at the back of my mouth. Put me off playing recorder for life.
(Mon 8th May 2006, 13:20, More)

» Picky Eaters

I forgot
Sun-dried tomatoes are the Devil's food.
(Fri 2nd Mar 2007, 14:31, More)

» Picky Eaters

Things I will not eat
I hate dark chocolate, and I hate coconut but I love dark Bountys.. It just works somehow.

I can't stand raw tomatoes (ick) but will eat them in any other way, fried especially. Num.

I have a big phobia of ginger, thanks to my sister force-feeding me crystalised ginger in the car when I was younger (it's good for travel sickness, apparently). So anything with ginger in is a big no no for me.

Also, blue cheese. It's mould people! And it has the most sickening smell. Even writing this makes me wretch. I think eating anything blue is wrong.

I'm also a vege so nothing with eyes or an arse for me, thank you. My boyf hates me being vege and I hate him eating meat so fair play, at least we don't have to worry about stealing food off the other's plate!

That's all I can think of... for now.
(Fri 2nd Mar 2007, 13:41, More)