b3ta.com user king_crud
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» The most cash I've ever carried

I used to work as a bank teller
My first job out of high school 12 years ago was as a bank teller for the Commonwealth Bank here in oz. I hated it, having to deal with customers etc and left after a few months. One of my duties was the accept the weekly cash supply in from the Reserve Bank (banks give out more withdrawals than deposits received, so a cash supply is always needed). The cash was always in a bag about the size of a sports bag. I was disaponted to find that this bag carried around half a million dollars in cash. On the ads on the tv for the lottery they show a person winning a million dollars and having to drive the winnings away in a massive semi trailer truck full of cash. In reality a small wheelbarrow would be more than sufficient for all the winnings.
(Tue 27th Jun 2006, 20:43, More)

» Fire!

Australian Bush Fires
I was born and bred in the Blue Mountains, just to the west of Sydney. The area is mostly national park with suburbs amongst it, so there's a lot of bush, and as a result, a lot of bush fires. Usually every 5-10 years there'll be a really big one which will go for days and burn lots of houses. All very tragic, boo hoo etc.

Anyway, when we know a fire is coming the drill is to put all valuables in a car ready for evacuation (never had to since i was a wee kid), and clear the house of as much dry vegetation as possible (leaves from the gutter etc).

In the 1994 fires, as a 17 y/o, my parents designated me to go onto the roof, clear out the leaves from the gutter and sit there with the hose and watch the progress of the fire. The excitment of it all quickly got boring as the fires were still a day or two away and were probably going to miss our street. As I'm sitting there being bored out of my mind i hear a female cry "hello crud!". I look down to the next door neighbours house. There i see their daughter (who's name escapes me), who'd come back to her parents place to check on them and make sure eveything was ok. The thing about this daughter was that she was about 25, blonde, great looking, huge tits, and she insisted on walking around in the heat weaing only her bikini. This was great. Even better, i was up on the roof so i could really look down on those fantastic mammories. Even better, she was constantly chatting to me, asking about the fires progress, etc. That certainly made the next three days go faster. I reckon the house could have burnt down and i wouldn't have noticed as long as she was standing there.
(Fri 4th Nov 2005, 11:30, More)