b3ta.com user OffCamber
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Use OffCamber at Gmail for the love.

Hello from 'merica. Scenic and double-batter-fried Arkansas, specificially. I'm thrilled to have found b3ta, as websites with animated kittens and neon-colored genitals are in short supply over here.

Yeah, so who am I?

I'm a chiseled piece of handsome with a very useful degree in History. Instead of getting a useful education, I got spoiled on good beer, dancing with hipster girls to hipster music, and stupid Photoshop tricks.

As a hobby, I pretend to be a racecar driver. I compete in autocross events that run a driver around a temporary race course in the fastest time possible. I also dig things like participatory trackdays and rally, and whatever good racing is on TV (F1, WRC, touring cars, etc).

So there,


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