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» Fire!
I remember it like it was only yesterday...
Early in the summer, around May if I am correct, I was working on a fairground ride out in the countryside. It was one where kids are strapped into bungee straps and bounce on a trampoline. It was really fun to do until a kid decides to somersault and nearly breaks their neck. Anyways we had this fair to do in a field about 200 miles from home (by we I mean my dad and his mate, lets call him alan.)
Ever the cheapskate, my dad decided it would be a good idea to pitch a tent rather than stay in the lovely warm B&B 5 minutes away. Go figure. Luckily, we got to the site a day early and so got to pick our own site, which just happened to be within stumbling distance of the beer tent. We got around to setting up the ride in the dark and nipped off to the beer tent whilst my dad was taking a leak behind a tree. A while later and a lot merrier I decided to make some toast on our cooker.
After many pints and a bit of weed I was obviously in no state to try this, but I was hungry. I asked Alan to set up the gas stove so I could make the toast, and lit it with a blowtorch. I made some lovely toast and went off to finish putting up our ride. And of course I remembered to turn the gas off didn't I? I only noticed when the fire brigade turned up 10 minutes later to sort out the tent that had turned into a blazing inferno, blowing accross the field and destroying 3 other tents, a number of kites and even managed to set light to a tree. Luckily when the police arrived I was in a B&B, sleeping soundly in a very comfortable bed. The insurance paid out on all but our own tent, and it was quite expensive so I had to work the ride for free all weekend. Bastard insurance companies!
(Tue 8th Nov 2005, 18:10, More)
I remember it like it was only yesterday...
Early in the summer, around May if I am correct, I was working on a fairground ride out in the countryside. It was one where kids are strapped into bungee straps and bounce on a trampoline. It was really fun to do until a kid decides to somersault and nearly breaks their neck. Anyways we had this fair to do in a field about 200 miles from home (by we I mean my dad and his mate, lets call him alan.)
Ever the cheapskate, my dad decided it would be a good idea to pitch a tent rather than stay in the lovely warm B&B 5 minutes away. Go figure. Luckily, we got to the site a day early and so got to pick our own site, which just happened to be within stumbling distance of the beer tent. We got around to setting up the ride in the dark and nipped off to the beer tent whilst my dad was taking a leak behind a tree. A while later and a lot merrier I decided to make some toast on our cooker.
After many pints and a bit of weed I was obviously in no state to try this, but I was hungry. I asked Alan to set up the gas stove so I could make the toast, and lit it with a blowtorch. I made some lovely toast and went off to finish putting up our ride. And of course I remembered to turn the gas off didn't I? I only noticed when the fire brigade turned up 10 minutes later to sort out the tent that had turned into a blazing inferno, blowing accross the field and destroying 3 other tents, a number of kites and even managed to set light to a tree. Luckily when the police arrived I was in a B&B, sleeping soundly in a very comfortable bed. The insurance paid out on all but our own tent, and it was quite expensive so I had to work the ride for free all weekend. Bastard insurance companies!
(Tue 8th Nov 2005, 18:10, More)