Profile for bonzos:
Hello =)
Im16 17 18! 19! and living in the great town of stockport, we have a big blue pyramid as a landmark and lots of scum (as do most northwest towns).

Me, and my hair. - dont have that hair anymore and looking back thank fuck.
I love making claymations, if you want to see them click the links below, also theres some stuff in here ive scratched together.
Satans shower
A wet dream
the cock ness monster

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Hello =)

Me, and my hair. - dont have that hair anymore and looking back thank fuck.
I love making claymations, if you want to see them click the links below, also theres some stuff in here ive scratched together.
Satans shower
A wet dream
the cock ness monster

Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Going Too Far
There is a down syndrome girl in my collage who wanders mindlessley round the smoking area in breaks and inbetween lessons. She has an imaginairy friend who she natters to under her breath and frollacks with holding hands and hugging him. She is the object of ridicule and when she walks past everybody around chuckles.
That was the extent of the torment till one day when she was talking to her imaginairy friend somebody just sprinted over to her and launched himself into the air and landed on her friend and continued to stamp hard on the floor and twist his foot into the floor. She just watched shocked and then started to scream and cry and then ran away somewhere else.
He got moaned at by her carer for doing it shortly afterwards, they had seen it on the security camera.
(Mon 13th Nov 2006, 22:48, More)
There is a down syndrome girl in my collage who wanders mindlessley round the smoking area in breaks and inbetween lessons. She has an imaginairy friend who she natters to under her breath and frollacks with holding hands and hugging him. She is the object of ridicule and when she walks past everybody around chuckles.
That was the extent of the torment till one day when she was talking to her imaginairy friend somebody just sprinted over to her and launched himself into the air and landed on her friend and continued to stamp hard on the floor and twist his foot into the floor. She just watched shocked and then started to scream and cry and then ran away somewhere else.
He got moaned at by her carer for doing it shortly afterwards, they had seen it on the security camera.
(Mon 13th Nov 2006, 22:48, More)
» Accidental animal cruelty
cat in washing machine.
Me and my brother were playing with the cat, he was putting it in the washing basket much to the displease of the cat and then he jokingly put it in the washing machine, and took it out. He left the room and I copied his actions and stuffed it in the machine, closed the door and set it on spin wash.
A ball of black fur went tumbling around, I frantically tried to open the door when I realised what I had done but in a panic I snapped the handle off, so poor kitty got spun around for about 5 minutes. luckily when my brother returned he ran and told mum, she was able to open the door and get the poor thing out, im happy to say it survived!
(Thu 6th Dec 2007, 23:15, More)
cat in washing machine.
Me and my brother were playing with the cat, he was putting it in the washing basket much to the displease of the cat and then he jokingly put it in the washing machine, and took it out. He left the room and I copied his actions and stuffed it in the machine, closed the door and set it on spin wash.
A ball of black fur went tumbling around, I frantically tried to open the door when I realised what I had done but in a panic I snapped the handle off, so poor kitty got spun around for about 5 minutes. luckily when my brother returned he ran and told mum, she was able to open the door and get the poor thing out, im happy to say it survived!
(Thu 6th Dec 2007, 23:15, More)
» Abusing freebies
Abuse of subway!
i like to get a sandwhich and then after eating my sandwhich fill the bag with coke from the drinks macnines and run away slurping my reward!
(Thu 8th Nov 2007, 23:39, More)
Abuse of subway!
i like to get a sandwhich and then after eating my sandwhich fill the bag with coke from the drinks macnines and run away slurping my reward!
(Thu 8th Nov 2007, 23:39, More)
» Work Experience
A stables...
I put on the form "working with annimals", and thats what i got.
I had to get three buses at 7 in the morning which took over 2 hours to wherever it was (i cant remember now but it was far from stockport).
The first day i got there i was handed a three pronged pitch fork and told to as they niceley put it "muck out".
So the first week i spent shoveling horse shit, theres allways plenty of shit to shovel, and the second week i mostly spent hiding in the cupboard eating my lunch as slowly as possible trying to avoid the big fat heffer of a bitch making me pick up horse poo.
There was some girls on work experience there too, they strangly enough werent given the same experience and polished riding tackle and brushed horses for the time they spent there, the wankers.
(Thu 10th May 2007, 12:02, More)
A stables...
I put on the form "working with annimals", and thats what i got.
I had to get three buses at 7 in the morning which took over 2 hours to wherever it was (i cant remember now but it was far from stockport).
The first day i got there i was handed a three pronged pitch fork and told to as they niceley put it "muck out".
So the first week i spent shoveling horse shit, theres allways plenty of shit to shovel, and the second week i mostly spent hiding in the cupboard eating my lunch as slowly as possible trying to avoid the big fat heffer of a bitch making me pick up horse poo.
There was some girls on work experience there too, they strangly enough werent given the same experience and polished riding tackle and brushed horses for the time they spent there, the wankers.
(Thu 10th May 2007, 12:02, More)
» Pathological Liars
My mate eric befriends billionares
he went on a trip with his orchestra to china, whilst there he entred a super swanky bar full of extreemeley rich buisnessmen, whilst there he claims to have approached a billionare who said to him "you look like a musician".
Jumping on this oppertunity he then continued to convince him he was the manager of the red hot chilli peppers, Subsequentley was given a free limitless tab on this gentlmans credit card and continued to take over £50,000 pounds worth of very expensive champagne and cigars at the victims expense, He says he handed out free bottles to randomers of their selection from the menu and practically drowned himself in golden sparkling liquid brewed by monks sweat and blood over hundreds of years.
Im not really sure if hes lying or not, so weather this fits the question is confusing me.
(Fri 30th Nov 2007, 13:50, More)
My mate eric befriends billionares
he went on a trip with his orchestra to china, whilst there he entred a super swanky bar full of extreemeley rich buisnessmen, whilst there he claims to have approached a billionare who said to him "you look like a musician".
Jumping on this oppertunity he then continued to convince him he was the manager of the red hot chilli peppers, Subsequentley was given a free limitless tab on this gentlmans credit card and continued to take over £50,000 pounds worth of very expensive champagne and cigars at the victims expense, He says he handed out free bottles to randomers of their selection from the menu and practically drowned himself in golden sparkling liquid brewed by monks sweat and blood over hundreds of years.
Im not really sure if hes lying or not, so weather this fits the question is confusing me.
(Fri 30th Nov 2007, 13:50, More)