b3ta.com user Shnooks
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» Child Labour

I worked at a vet...
for about 5 years, between the ages of 10-15. Mind you, I didnt get paid. Yes, read that again. I didnt get paid until I was atleast 13. And then the bitch took my money.

But, the worst part definatly wasnt scooping shit up, or cleaning up vomit, or even taking blood.

The worst part was surgery and dead animals. My boss, I swear, shes part of the mafia. She used to take those animal's nuts, grab em and RIP THEM RIGHT OUT OF THEIR ABDOMENS. Just, yank em' out! Afterwards, she expected me to be well enough to help her suture the animal up, and clean up the leftover organs, blood, and tools. If you ever have a desire to know what they do with your dog's left over testes, I'll tell you right now - they just throw them out with the regular trash.

And one day, we had a stupid lady bring in her dog that had died from heat exaughstion. When an animal, or even people, die from heat exaughstion, the blood vessels go up to the surface of the skin, and eventually break. This is what happened on this dog. It was covered in sweat and smelled just awful. It must have weighed at least 27kg, and was twice the size of me.
My boss, being the kind loving lady she was, left the dog to sit in the room long enough so it got stiff, and then expected me to stuff it in a body bag and get it to the freezer downstairs. It must have taken me 2 hours to stuff that dog in 3 body bags, move him, and then get him INTO the freezer. The vetrinary assistant told me before I went to go carry it down the stairs, "It wont matter if you drop it, because its already dead."

They were watching me carry that fucking dog in the middle of the summer down the stairs.

I never went back after that day.
(Wed 22nd Feb 2006, 0:16, More)