b3ta.com user bitchell
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» * PFFT *

Office Farts
I use to share an office with a man called Neill, now Neill was a funny chap, had many a strange quirk one of which was the vilest arse gas known to man. I swear he could produce it on demand.

Some occasions I actually had to stop what I was working on and leave. My eyes watering. One of these occasions my then boss asked me whats up. I simply told her to go and talk to Neill who was cracking up the other side of the door. She walked, turned walked out and then told me if that happened again to tell her so she could start disiplinary proceedings against him.

Once I made the mistake of sitting on his chair. About 10 seconds after I had, that same rank smell appeard released from it's spongey prison.

Click I like this if you to have had this hell.
(Wed 18th Jul 2007, 15:08, More)