b3ta.com user Superhappypanda
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» Crazy Relatives

The Barley Wine Gang
My Grandma has been a character all her life. Never leaving the Blackpoole area, she comes up with schemes to make money and each one normally ends up with her...
a) Loosing money
b) Being arrested
c) Having a kid

When somethings going on we don't hear from her for a couple of weeks, then we find out about the problem and normally bail her out.

So it was a friday night about 3 years ago, we hadn't heard from her in two weeks, something was up. Her phone was off the hook, no letters, nothing. I switch on the telly and turn to "Have I Got News For You". Normal stuff, then they get to the spinning headlines round. Up on the screen comes the headline "Operation blue rinse". The story, a group of old ladies, who were dubbed "The Barley Wine Gang", set up a stealing ring in Blackpoole. They organized steal-to-order items and lists, and then sent in their team of sons and friends to burgle the required areas. Turned out my Gran was the head of this ring. We didn't know about it until we looked it up on the net, after the show.

Didn't really surprise us.
(Mon 9th Jul 2007, 16:08, More)