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» Self-Inflicted injuries
Went down to the truck park last year
and had the best night with one hell of beauty. I just received my STD test back yesterday as I had a nasty rash I could not get rid of. Turns out I am HGV+
Seriously though, standing on stunt nuts of bmx, when I stacked the bike going up a curb. Managed to walk the bike home with no apparent damage, till I walk in through the door, and wonder why mother is looking at me strangely. It was then that i noticed the rip in my jeans and blood pouring down my leg. Turns out I had managed to rip out of a chunk of my leg through the spokes of the back wheel. Still have the scar covering the hole to prove it.
(Sun 1st Dec 2013, 9:35, More)
Went down to the truck park last year
and had the best night with one hell of beauty. I just received my STD test back yesterday as I had a nasty rash I could not get rid of. Turns out I am HGV+
Seriously though, standing on stunt nuts of bmx, when I stacked the bike going up a curb. Managed to walk the bike home with no apparent damage, till I walk in through the door, and wonder why mother is looking at me strangely. It was then that i noticed the rip in my jeans and blood pouring down my leg. Turns out I had managed to rip out of a chunk of my leg through the spokes of the back wheel. Still have the scar covering the hole to prove it.
(Sun 1st Dec 2013, 9:35, More)