b3ta.com user hottwist
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Profile for hottwist:
Profile Info:

Hello. I am a nice lady who lives in London.

I have a blog. It is http://seldo.com/artemis.

Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» Never Meet Your Heroes

Jenny Bond
BBC Royal correspondant went to our Uni and got an honorary degree. We managed to persuade her to the Union. She got smashed, danced sluttily with us all, and then asked other honorary graduate Gus O'Donnell if she had slept with him when she was a student.
(Fri 26th May 2006, 22:41, More)

» Airport Stories

I pulled
Pat Sharpe.

It wasn't at an airport though.
(Fri 3rd Mar 2006, 15:52, More)

» My computer gave away my secrets

Not me but a friend...
Was testing his parents' computer and google auto complete came up with '4 in a bed' which definately went someway toward suggesting a reason for the recent purchase of the webcam and the frequent nights away to other couples' houses...
(Fri 10th Feb 2006, 13:09, More)

» Going Too Far

In terribly Bad Taste
The ski tour at university was always filled with vile fancy dress fun, like the guy who wrapped himself in clingfilm/condoms and relieved himself within the plastic and full view of everyone.

Somehow, someone thought it would be a marvellous plan to hold one 'bad taste' themed night. Various chavettes and badly dressed folk were accompanied by:

a group of bearded terrorists with guns yelling nothing but 'jihad' all night.

a ken bigley with gaffer around his neck

3 tsunami victims with 'i rode the wave 2006' signs who doused themselves in water all night

and 3 members of the KKK.

astoundingly noone got killed or arrested. which is more than i can say for the chav fancy dress night we had in newquay...
(Fri 10th Nov 2006, 16:06, More)

» Airport Stories

Pervy security
Due to massive paranoid USA security I once got swooshed all around - up and down my legs, feet and arms with a magic beepy stick.

I was wearing tight cotton shorts, a vest top and flipflops. There was NO WAY I had a bomb.
(Fri 3rd Mar 2006, 13:02, More)
[read all their answers]