b3ta.com user bearcub
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» Fancy Dress

another KKK one, another cross-dressing one...yawn.
my girlfriend's 21st had the theme "Lady's Night". So, having quizzed her about her intended costume, and found a cheap copy (including a wig to match her bright crimson hair), I went as her. Apparently the sight of two people in identical girl's clothes, one of them a bloke, getting off with each other, sent the half-a-dozen people on mushrooms, sitting huddled in the opposite corner of the living room, into an hour-long collective panic attack.

Also, some of the girlfriend's former housemates went to a White Trash party as the KKK. And, when I went, I do mean walked to the party in full costume. Or, at least, halfway to the party, whereupon a large car pulled onto the pavement in front of them, and four very big, very very angry young black men jumped out. They ran all the way home, and refused to leave until the next morning.

length, first post, blah blah blah.
(Tue 17th Jan 2006, 18:16, More)